Keira was just minding her own business when she got a text from Klaus- "Marcel said Cami needs help with Kieran. You go." She sighed and headed to the church.
While there, Cami and Josh stood by a doctor and Father Hexed, who was chained to a chair.
"Dr. Sheski?" Cami asked.
"I'm gonna have to let the authorities know what the hell is going on here," the doctor said, panicked.
"Josh?" Cami asked anxiously.
Josh stepped forwards. "Oh right," he said, starting to compel the doctor. "Dude, be cool. It's just a priest hexed by a witch because of some vampires. Accept that these things are real, then forget them. I mean later. You forget them later. Crap. Ah! Okay. Let me start over."
Keira appeared behind him. "For gods sake, just let me do it."
Cami turned. "Keira? What are you doing here?"
"My brother got a very distressed call from your man," Keira stepped forwards to the doctor and compelled him, Josh stepping back and putting his hands up. "Calm down. Do whatever I, Cami, or Josh ask of you, don't be afraid, and forget all of this happened when you leave. You overslept. That's all."
"You're good at that," Josh said as Keira stepped back and the doctor repeated everything she said in a trance.
"Well, I have been doing this a long time."
Cami turned to the doctor. "Dr. Sheski, my uncle needs to be sedated. Something strong."
"Sedation? He looks like he should be in an ICU," Sheski replied.
"Yeah, see, this other witch put this boundary spell on him. So, he's kind of stuck in here," said Josh.
"This man is malnourished, severely dehydrated-" the doctor started.
Cami cut him off. "-Which is why you're here. But first- Doctor, what do you know about shock therapy?"
"ECT? First, it's incredibly dangerous."
"But, it has been known to help treat cases of extreme psychosis."
The doctor didn't respond. "Answer the nice lady," Josh said.
"We don't fully understand it yet, but, yes, in some patients, using electrical current to induce seizures can subvert a psychotic episode- in effect, rebooting the brain. But, only in the most extreme cases, do we even consider..."
Cami sighed. "Like my friend said, we're talking about a priest hexed by a witch. I don't think it gets any more extreme than that."
A few minutes later, after Keira got a "don't go to the bayou, someone set off an explosive" text, the doctor was setting up the stuff and prepping Kieran for ECT.
"There's a special place in hell for your kind," Kieran said to the vampire. Josh looked down while Keira smiled.
"At least tell me something I haven't heard before," she said. Josh put a gag in Kieran's mouth. "Well, isn't this a gruesome little scene."
"Are you ready?" Cami asked the doctor.
He looked terrified. "Please, I'm begging you, don't force me to do this."
Cami channeled her inner Thanos. "Fine. I'll do it myself," she grabbed the ECT handles and stood behind Kieran.
"Camille, are you sure about this? Your uncle is a good man. He shouldn't suffer," Keira said.
"He's been suffering for weeks. He's dying, Keira. This might be the only chance he's got," Cami put the electrodes against Kieran's temples as Josh, Keira, and the doctor watched, uncomfortable. Kieran yelled out in pain, before passing out.

The Other Mikaelson- Book 2
FanfictionA thousand years ago, a powerful Witch named Esther, and her viking husband Mikael, moved to a supernatural village full of werewolves. Having lost another one of their eight children, they then turned the remainders into vampires. Now, a thousan...