Chapter XXVIII

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At a meeting Elijah was running, five people sat around the table- Elijah, the leader, Keira, the representative of the Originals, Diego, the representative of the vampires, Kieran, the representative of the humans, and Genevieve, the representative of the witches. Hayley walked in as three of the people there were arguing over Elijah's new rules.

"This is our city, too! We should be able to go wherever the hell we want!" Diego yelled.

"We would consider it an act of war!" Genevieve yelled over Diego.

"We're getting nowhere. You vile creatures cannot agree," Kieran said, agitated and pale. "AND WHY ARE YOU YELLING, EVERYONE HERE IS SITTING AT A SMALL TABLE AND HALF OF US HAVE SUPERNATURAL HEARING ABILITIES!"

Keira turned her head up to Elijah, who stood over her chair. She was leaning back, arms crossed, and looked bored. "You're really bad at this, big brother."

"YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS!" Kieran yelled.

"Father, calm yourself, please!" Elijah said. "All of you! Now returning to the issue of boundaries, you will all heed to the following-"

"Are you serious?" Hayley interrupted. "You're dividing up the city, and the werewolves don't even get a say?"

Diego stood up and pointed at her. "What the hell is she doing here?!?"

"Diego, sit. We are not dividing the city. We're establishing boundaries-" Elijah started.

"No, Elijah! There is not gonna be a peace if the werewolves are excluded. They want a seat at the table," Hayley said, causing Diego and Genevieve to scoff. "And if they don't get one, I can guarantee that you will all regret it."

Elijah walker over to her and grabbed Hayley by the bicep, pulling her into another room. No one could hear what they were saying, as everyone started yelling again.

"All of you are idiots..." Keira muttered, rubbing her head as the only one who wasn't participating at all. Then she got up as well.

"Where the hell are you going? You're part of this meeting!" Diego yelled at her.

"Tell my brother that I am a fifteen year old girl and I'm bored!" Keira said, exasperated. "And that he sucks at this!"

She left again and wandered the streets, listening for anything actually not boring. She walked around for about three hours, before she remembered Kieran's curse and followed him back to the church after the meeting's end.

Cami arrived in the attic, seeing Kieran shackling his ankles to the floor. "Is that really necessary?" she asked.

"The sickness, it's-- it's overtaking my inclination to forgive. Replacing it with one thought that I could barely contain at the summit: 'Kill every last one of them'," Kieran replied.

"We'll figure it out."

"I tried to figure it out with Sean, but I was focused too much on that instead of trying to stop him, and I'm not-- I'm not gonna let that happen to me. You're an O'Connell. They are going to ask you to take my place at the table. Don't. Just leave. Just start over."

"I'm not going anywhere as long as there's still a chance."

"How many times do I have to tell you I can't be fixed?"

"And how many times do I have to tell you I will not stop trying?"

" That is just stubbornness, like-- like when you were a little girl. You always had to be right. You-- you-- you never listened. Just that thick head of yours. I prayed for you. And I got no answer. There is only blackness. There is only death. There's mine," Kieran said. "and yours."

Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Cami by the ankle, pulling her thrashing and screaming towards him with a knife in hand. He slit one of her wrist veins, in an attempt to kill her from blood loss, but was promptly sedated by Keira speeding in with a syringe.

"Keira?" Cami asked, examining her wrist. Keira didn't respond, but simply bit open her wrist and offered it to the human.

"Drink. My blood will heal you," she said. Cami obliged.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was bored. My brother's actually pretty bad at leading."

"Why did you help?"

"Well, I'm trying to get my brother to not completely hate me. And he seems to like you. Besides, us girls have got to stick together. And us girls with witches who have or have tried to kill our family also have to stick together."

Later on at the compound, Elijah walked in as Klaus and Keira were reading.

"What do you want?" Keira asked, not looking up. Elijah put a piece of paper- a piece treaty, down on the table his siblings had their feet on.

"Sign it," he ordered.

"E, I don't have a signature. You're my legal guardian, I don't get to sign things, remember?" Keira said. Elijah sighed and handed it to Klaus instead.

"You sigh it," he ordered.

"Why? You've already done so on our behalf," Klaus said.

"Brother, I am not a fool. It's clear to me you're not as disinterested as you'd like me to believe. Sign, please. If there is no peace between us, then how can you expect others to follow suit?"

"Fine, if it will make you happy. But, I assure you, this city's inhabitants will not adhere to this agreement," Klaus said, signing the paper.

"Well, you are welcome to wager against me. You will lose."

"We'll see."

Elijah left the room, and Keira noticed what Klaus had been painting- the New Orleans skyline, with a full moon in the sky.


Klaus ran through the forest, when he saw some random man whore of a hunter. Losing control of his bloodlust, he rushed towards the hunter and and fed viciously from his neck. The full moon, as well as the howls of the werewolves, flew through the sky. Klaus then dropped the hunter, who died. It was his first kill.

Suddenly, Klaus fell to his knees from a few cracking sounds, and he screamed in pain. Mikael, Elijah, and Keira all ran in the direction of his yells.

"Niklaus!" Elijah yelled, seeing him on the ground/

"What is happening to me?!?" Klaus cried, his shoulders cracking.

"Nik!" Keira exclaimed. She attempted to rush towards him, but her father held her back.

"No! Don't!" he yelled. Klaus's eyes turned amber as his hybrid face appeared.

"Father! It hurts!" he said.

"He's... a beast!" Mikael yelled. "An abomination!"

Klaus growled, before fully shifting into a black furred werewolf.

"He's... a wolf?" Keira asked, mildly panicked despite knowing wolves could no longer fatally harm her.

"That's impossible," Elijah said. "Mother is a witch. Father is a viking. Neither of them have the werewolf gene, how does Niklaus?"

Mikael's eyes widened in angry realization. "He got the gene from someone else," he said, Klaus growling at them.

"Father, what are you saying?" Keira asked.

"That...atrocity... that disgrace... he is NOT. MY. SON."

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