Chapter XV

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Keira held her elbow while Rebekah refused to look Klaus in the eye. Klaus paced the room angrily, glaring at his sisters, when the door opened.

"Elijah's home," Keira said, breaking the hour long silence. "There's only one dagger. Which one of us will you be punishing today?"

Elijah walked into the living room. "What's this about?"

"I contemplated a game of eenie-meenie-miney-moe," Klaus said. He pointed to the girls. "But I got stuck between you two. You betrayed me. My own sisters!!!"

"Niklaus, don't you dare," Elijah said, putting a hand in front of his sisters.

Klaus pointed the dagger, which he had gotten from Marcel, at Elijah. "Perhaps it should be you, brother! Stealing my child away with every fawning moment of tenderness you show to Hayley!"

"This has nothing to do with Hayley."

"It has everything to do with her! She's adored you since she arrived. And now my child, my blood, will grow up to call you father!"

"Is that what it is? You are once again worried that you will be left behind? Has history taught you nothing? We don't abandon you, Nik, you drive us away!" Keira said. Klaus threw the dagger at her and it pierced her in the stomach, causing her to momentarily gasp before Elijah took it.

Klaus glared at her. "Is that so? What have I done lately, other than cooperate? I bow down to you, Elijah, to make up for daggering you. For the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home. I tried to be nice to you, Keira, since you just lost Kol, (Keira growled at him) I looked the other way, Rebekah, while you repeat the same cycle with Marcel. Falling again for a man you shouldn't be with, while he controls the empire that we built! That he took! Now, I make no excuses for past sins. But in the one moment when you three could have chosen to stand by me-- to believe in me, to believe my intentions for my own child were pure-- you chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies. I wanted our home back. Now I have it. So, I'm going to live there. And the three of you... you can stay here together and rot."

Klaus stomped out of the house, leaving his siblings exchanging looks conflicted between guilt and rage.


The next day, Klaus brought a moving truck to take his belongings and move out.

"Absolutely not, I payed for that!" Rebekah told the worker when he picked up a large blue painting.

Keira scoffed. "Please, you've never payed for anything in your life."

"I hardly see how that's relevant."

Elijah came down the stairs. "Klaus is just punishing us. We've hurt him, deeply, it appears."

"We believed the worst about him, the one time in a million when the worst wasn't actually the truth," Keira said. "How the bloody hell does that cut him so deeply!?!"

Elijah walked out the door. "You are coming, correct?"

"Well, I have nothing better to do."

"Where do you think you're going?" Rebekah asked.

Elijah turned to her. "To make sure Hayley doesn't suffer for our mistakes. Niklaus is feeling vindictive. We cannot trust that she is safe."

"Our mistakes?!?" Keira muttered as they left Rebekah behind.

At the abattoir, Elijah went up to Diego and snapped his neck as to speak with Hayley alone.

"Elijah, you shouldn't be here. Klaus has his guys watching me," Hayley said quietly.

Elijah shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about them," he said as Keira and Rebekah walked in and threw two random vampires at her. "Come, we mustn't linger. We'll get you some place safe."

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