This Must Be the Place

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Saturday, August 3, 1985

Home is where I want to be
Pick me up and turn me 'round
I feel numb, burn with a weak heart
I guess I must be having fun

Talking Heads played on my bedside stereo as I unpacked the last box of my belongings. I reached into the cardboard box and pulled out my polaroid camera and letter box of pictures. I opened the small box of pictures and was greeted by the photo on top, a picture of two girls, hugging and smiling wide for the camera. Me and my Katie. My eyes glazed over thinking about her, about our dreams to graduate and move to Los Angeles together to work for the Times. She would still get to do that. Without me. Fuck.

It still hadn't fully hit me until now. My eyes scanned around the small room, my new room. I had hung up posters and pictures from my old room to make it feel more familiar, but it still didn't feel like home. A tear rolled down my cheek at the thought that I'm here. And it's real. I'm stuck in stupid Hawkins, Indiana now and there's nothing I can do about it.

"Hey, honey, can I come in?" My dad knocked at my door. I quickly wiped my tears from my face. He slowly opened the door. "Hi, honey," he smiled weakly at me, a sad look in his eyes, "how's the unpacking going?"

"Fine. On my last box actually." I tried to smile. My dad came in and sat next to me on the bed. His eyes fell onto the picture in my hands and frowned.

"Listen," he sighed. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I know-"

"No, Dad. Don't apologize." I cut him off. I knew he felt guilty that we had to move. It's not his fault. After my dad got laid off from the firm back in Lenora Hills he tried his best to get odd jobs around town to keep us above water, but we lost the house. Thankfully, my uncle here in Hawkins was able to find him a night job at a local plant, but it unfortunately meant I had to leave everything I know and love.

"It's not your fault. Anyways, Hawkins seems wonderful already." I lied, laying a hand on his. We'd only been in Hawkins since yesterday and it seemed decent at best, but it was nothing like home.

"Y/n, you don't have to pretend to be okay with this, I know it's hard for you to leave school right before your senior year." My dad said.

"I'm not pretending, Dad. I'm really okay with this. I adapt easily." I poked his arm with my elbow, trying to cheer him up.

"I know, you're the strongest kid I know." He rustled my hair. "Here, how about this," he reached into his pocket and handed me a 5. "Why don't you take a break from unpacking and rent us a tape from that little Family Video down the street?"

"Okay, thanks." My dad kissed my head and then went back downstairs.

I stood up from my bed and placed the picture of Katie and I on my bedside. I grabbed my converse from my closet and quickly laced them up before going downstairs.

The hot summer sun beat on my bare shoulders as I walked to the video store. The road was empty. I wasn't used to being in a small town like this, it almost felt eerie here for some reason.

I finally reached the Family Video and noticed a help wanted sign in the window. My dad was having trouble with money so maybe getting a job to help out wouldn't be so bad of an idea.

I get goosebumps as I entered the store, the air conditioning chilling me. A girl with short hair and freckles sat at the front counter.

"Hi, welcome to Family Video, I'm Robin." the girl smiled at me. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks," I smiled back and walked towards the comedy section. I slowly scanned the covers of the videos when I heard someone join Robin at the front. It was a boy with big hair and a matching vest to Robins, another employee probably. I eavesdropped as they started an argument.

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