The Hideout

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*CW for mentions of underage drinking*

Tuesday, September 24th, 1985.

"Watch where you're going," A girl spat at me as I bumped into her.

"My bad," I mumbled, giving her an apologetic look before going back to studying my index cards as I ambled down the hallway to my AP bio class. I flipped to the next card in my stack, my mind blanking on the answer to the question on the front as I came to the realization that I was miserably underprepared for this test. I knew that my last-minute cramming wasn't going to help me at this point, but I was desperate, as my A in the class was in jeopardy. I sighed to myself as I shuffled through the stack, praying for lucky guesses at this point. Without warning, my last-ditch studying session was interrupted by someone pulling me around the corner by my arm. I gasped as my back was pushed against a wall of lockers and a pair of lips smashed onto mine. My alarmed state quickly subsided as I recognized the taste of spearmint and tobacco on my tongue.

"Oh my God, you scared me," I chuckled breathlessly as he pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry, just missed you is all," Eddie smiled down to me. "Feels like we've barely talked today."

"I know, that quiz today was bullshit," I said. Since this weekend, Eddie and I hadn't had much opportunity to talk to each other, both of us being busy with our own things. I'd hoped to speak to Eddie in third, but we had a surprise quiz with impossibly difficult questions, so the most interaction we were able to have was in the form of the occasional flirty glance. Which Mr. Clarke chastised Eddie for, thinking he was trying to cheat off of me.

"Yeah, I guessed on like, every single question," Eddie snickered, smacking on his gum.

"Eddie!" I exclaimed in disbelief, slapping the stack of index cards in my hand against his arm.

"What? I missed a few classes," Eddie raised his hands defensively.

"No, you skipped a few classes," I corrected him, staring up at him disappointedly. "That's it, we're studying all night tonight to get you caught up before the test on Thursday."

"Can't tonight, Corroded Coffin is playing at The Hideout," He shook his head. Suddenly, his face lit up as an idea came to him. "Hey, you should come tonight! See me in action, you know?"

"Can I even get in there?" I asked, feeling unsure. "I don't have a fake ID."

"Babe, I can sneak you through the back with me. It's not even a big deal," He said, placing a hand on the lockers above me and leaning down to me as his eyes flickered down to my cleavage. "If you're so worried about it, just wear that top and you'll pass through fine."

"Nice one," I rolled my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest. I contemplated it for a moment. I didn't have anything better to do tonight and besides, he looks really hot when he plays guitar. "Okay, I'll go. But afterwards, we're cramming."

"Deal," He beamed in accomplishment before leaning down to kiss me once more. In the corner of my eye, I saw Fred and Nancy walking down the hallway towards us. It was too late to shoo him away. My heart pounded out of my chest as panic arose in me. I pushed Eddie off of me and reached into my backpack at lightning speed.

"Sure, Eddie, you can borrow my notes," I said loudly so that Nancy would hear in an attempt to cover my ass and shoved my notebook into his hands. "Here you go."

Eddie looked at me, puzzled, and I darted my eyes in the direction of Nancy. He discreetly peeked at her before looking back at me, his mouth in the shape of an 'o' as he tucked the notebook under his arm.

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