Tainted Love

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Saturday, October 19th, 1985.

The Saturday morning cartoons played faintly on the TV as I sprawled out on the couch, absentmindedly stroking Ozzy's velvety ears between my fingers as he laid on my stomach. My eyes were glued to the screen, lazily following the silly antics of the Scooby Doo teens, when an unexpected knock rapt on my door. I gently pushed Ozzy off of me before rising from the couch and dragging my feet to the front door. I swung the door open to see Steve standing on my porch.

"Oh, hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing my groggy eyes.

"I was out and I just thought it'd be nice to bring you some breakfast since we haven't really had the chance to hang out in a bit," Steve smiled his usual friendly simper at me as he held up a brown paper bag and a beverage tray, holding two paper coffee cups.

"That's really sweet. Come in," I grinned appreciatively at him as I stepped aside, allowing him to the enter the foyer. I took the coffee tray from him before leading him through my house towards the kitchen, with him swiveling his head side to side as he took in the details of my home, as this was the first time he'd ever came inside. We stopped at the kitchen table, both of us placing the items in our hands onto the surface, before Steve began unpacking the takeout bag.

"Is your dad home? I picked something up for him too," Steve said, holding up a breakfast sandwich wrapped in brown parchment paper.

"That was really thoughtful of you, but he's out fishing with my uncle this morning. Here," I said, holding out my hand for the sandwich as he passed it onto me. "I'll just put it up for him."

I placed the sandwich in the embarrassingly bare fridge before turning back to the table and sitting down next to Steve as he unveiled the last of the takeout items.

"I hope pancakes are okay. I didn't know your usual order so I just guessed," He chuckled apologetically as he slid a Styrofoam box to me.

"Pancakes are just fine," I replied, not hesitating as I immediately dug into the contents of the takeout box. Steve sat down in the chair beside me as he unwrapped his own breakfast sandwich and took a hearty bite. We sat there for a while, enjoying our breakfasts and enjoying each other's time as we caught up for the first time in way too long. After we finished eating, Steve helped me clean up the mess before I walked him back up to the front door.

"I'm glad we got to do this, since it feels like we hadn't hung out one on one in forever," Steve remarked, raking a hand through his floppy hair. "I was starting to miss my best friend, y'know?"

"I've missed you too," I said sincerely, my tone bittersweet. Sadness tinted my mind, becoming aware that I really had been neglecting the other important relationships in my life in the midst of entangling my entire sphere of being with Eddie's. As much as I'd loved spending time with him, I needed to make time for the other people I loved. "Hey, I have an idea. I've seen fliers everywhere for the fall fair that's in town right now. We should go tonight."

"I'd love that," Steve said, overjoyed, as he grinned ear to ear.

"I'll call up Nancy and Robin later to see if they're free. Maybe even Mike can come. We can all go as a group," I suggested enthusiastically as Steve's cheerful grin faltered slightly.

"Uh, yeah, a group. Totally," He cleared his throat, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Well, I better get going. I'll see you later."

I waved to him as he walked back to his car before closing the front door and heading up the stairs. Not having anything better to do, I decided to start getting ready for tonight. I entered the bathroom and turned the shower on, twisting the knob all the way up, before stripping out of my pajamas and stepping into the shower. I washed myself briskly, the scorching water biting at my skin, before getting out and wrapping myself up in my terrycloth robe. I walked back to my bedroom, gently squeezing the water out of the ends of my hair with a towel, when my phone started ringing. I rushed over to my beside and picked it up before bringing the cool plastic up to my ear.

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