Need You Tonight (pt 2)

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Eddie's POV
Tuesday, September, 17, 1985.

"EDWARD MIDDLE NAME MUNSON!" Y/n barged into the Hellfire room, startling me awake and nearly making me fall off the table that I was napping on.

"Did you just say 'middle name?'" I chuckled sleepily as I sat up and rubbed my groggy eyes, making an angry y/n come into view. She was like a little She-Hulk. Y/n smash.

"I don't know your real middle name, so," She shrugged, before putting her grumpy face back on, trying her best to look menacing. "Not the point. You slept through third period, Eddie!"

"Well, I'm awake now, aren't I?" I snickered at her sorry attempt to look intimidating.

"Shut up," She groaned, slamming her bag onto the table next to me. "Let's just study here."

"Okay, grumpy," I slid off the table, grabbing my backpack that I had been using as a pillow. I sat down in the chair across from y/n and pulled the pre-calc homework out of my bag as she did the same. She glared at me again and I mocked her expression back to her. God, she could be so uptight sometimes. She's lucky she's cute. She briefed me on what I had missed in class before starting to explain the homework. My head began to throb dully again as her voice droned on about exponents or something. I was not in the mood to learn in the slightest and I allowed my mind to wander to the dream I had this morning. I would've sold my left nut to make that dream come true. I wanted her so badly and the way that her rack looked in that little tank top as she slouched over her notes was not helping.

"Why don't you try the first problem and we can compare answers?" Y/n smiled innocently over to me. I ripped my eyes from her rack and down to the homework in front of me as I felt my face get hot.

"U-uhm," I stammered, peering down at the gibberish on my paper. My brain scrambled to connect the fragments of what I'd managed to catch her saying as I tuned her out, but all I could think about was how badly I wanted to bend her over this table and-

"Here, let me help you," Y/n stood up from her seat, sensing my struggle, before circling around to my side of the table. My eyes wandered to her ass as she bent over to grab her notes from the other side of the table. I felt my jeans tighten in the front as I caught a glimpse of her dark thong through her pants, the light fabric sheering as she bent over. She was driving me fucking insane and I didn't know how much longer I could take it. Once her notes were in front of us, she turned to lean against the table. "So, basically when there's an exponent like this, you subtract the value from here and carry it down.."

Y/n bent to the side over my paper, writing the answer under the problem as she explained how to solve it. My hands covered my lap, hoping she wouldn't notice how my hormones were betraying me at the moment.

"Like this," She continued explaining. "And then you- oops."

The pencil slipped out of her grip from the awkward angle she was trying to write from, falling on the table and rolling across it.

"I'll get it," I sprung up from my chair and leaned over y/n to grab the rogue pencil before retrieving it and straightening my stance over her. I peered down into her eyes, the urge to lean down to her sweet lips becoming ever more present. "Here you go."

"Thank you," Y/n muttered, barely over a whisper, as she stared back up into my eyes. She slowly slipped the pencil out of my hand and bit her lip lightly. Something came over me, unable to control my urges at this point, and I grabbed her hips, gently sliding her to sit on the table. I slipped between her knees and began leaning down to her face.  Y/n placed her hands onto my chest, peering up at me with a warning look in her eyes. "Eddie."

"Y/n," I mocked her tone back to her, smirking. She blushed lightly, trying to hold back a smile. I leaned in again and this time she didn't push me back. I pressed my lips to hers cautiously as she kissed me back, moving her hands from my chest to around my neck. I pressed closer to her, flicking my tongue over her bottom lip. She parted her lips, allowing me access and I danced my tongue over hers. Her hands roamed into my hair as I began to kiss her with more intensity.

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