Fallen Angel

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Have you ever heard of the tale of the angel that have fallen from his own world to find his dearest demon? Never heard of it? Let's take a seat because it's gonna be a long story...

Once upon a time, there are two guardian of positivity and negativity that lives under the tree of feelings in a peaceful world called Dreamtale. The guardian of Positivity,Dream, lives with his brother Nightmare, the guardian of Negativity under the tree of feellings to protect the tree from any harm that caused by the villagers. Dream would go to the village to find some food for both of them,while Nightmare just read his book under the tree. Everthing is great! Until one day...

The villagers decided to attack the guardians and tried to kill The Guardian of negativity, Nightmare himself. Dream heard about this and rushed to his home. He saw Nightmare being pinned onto the ground by the villagers. They decided to kill Nightmare, to make all the negative things caused by Nightmare to perish. Dream never thought the villagers hate his twin brother this much until they want to kill him.


Dream yelled at his twin brother that is at the verge of death. He can't do anything. He can't even save his brother. He's pathetic and weak. He's nothing like Nightmare that was smiling even after being beaten half to death by the merciless villager.

'The Apple' He thought. He can save Nightmare by consuming the golden apples that's hanging on the tree brances. He take one of the apple and look at Nightmare that is his life hanging on the thread. Nightmare gives him a pleading look.

"Don't. Don't do it..." He heard Nightmare's whispers . But he ignore the warning. Dream gave him a sad smile and said,

"I'm sorry,brother." He take a bite of the golden apple that is in his palm. A terrifiying scream echoes through the village. Nightmare saw his brother being consumed by a great surge of positivity and it makes his bones burns. Nightmare saw a pair of big, golden wings apearred behind Dream's scapula, above his thoracic vertebrae.A golden halo made of positivity appear and Dream's eyes are glowing golden yellow and fiery red. His distal phalanges (finger tips), also become sharper than before.

Nightmare gasped when he saw all the villagers are dead from the  huge amount of positivity. Nightmare saw his brother trying to stand up and get him but he used the last of his energy to stay away from Dream from the time being.

"What have you done, brother?" Nightmare raise his head trying to stand up and talk to his brother. Dream just stare at Nightmare with his emotionless face. He knows that if he didn't, he might lost Nightmare .

"Can't you see it, brother? I killed them for you. They almost kill you. You think I'm just gonna look at you beaten to death?"Dream asked him with insanity in his voice. He is no longer the 'Dream' we know. Nightmare also knows about that .He's changed since Dream take a bite of the golden apple.

"Come on, brother.Let's leave this place together and leave in another multi-universe together. I won't let you go this time." said Dream, insanity in his tone. Nightmare use all his remaining energy to teleport away before Dream manage to get him .He felt this isn't the last time he's gonna run away from insane, obssesive brother. He need to recover his strengh and frind a way to recover Dream .

He's no longer Nightmare , the guardian of Negativity that we knew. He is now known as Moon, the guardian of Multi-Universe. Dream is also is not himself anymore . He is known as Swad, the Destroyer of Multi-Universe. Whenever Swad destroy a universe, Moon would appear and stop him. Swad never give up on trying to kidnap Moon until now . He will keep Moon safe from any harm.

In another universe, Ink and Error keep all the balance in their multi-universe as the creator and the destroyer. They never care about about all the alternaltive universe that they didn't create in their multi-universe unless someone messed with the codes. Ink and error always fighting with each other everytime the met and they always broke each other's bones.

"Damn that squid, why did he always there to stop me destroying the AUs? It's kinda anoyying to take care of the same problem everday with enteruption." Said Error with his usual glitching voice.

"Dat's right mah broski. why did he need ta be there every time i need to possess a new host. Dats very un-rads yo" said Fresh, Error's friend, with his usual 90s' slang. Error broke his ulna (arm bones) and fibula (leg bones) during the fight . These two skeletons dislike Ink sice he always interupt them when they are on the raid to infect and destroy the alternaltive universe. Error sense something anomaly in the Anti-void and decided to check it with Fresh.

"You sense it too,right?" Asked the glitching skeleton. The colourful skeleton nods his head and decided to check it out. A new Alternaltive Universe that came out out of nowhere appeared . It have the same vibes as the Dreamtale but with more positivity than the Original Dreamtale. Error just shrugged his shoulder and ignore the new found AU that appear out of nowhere to take care of his injuries.

Meanwhile with the King of Negativity,Nightmare feels chills down to the bone when he sense a great surge of Positivity in the air. this Nightmare is the one who eats all the black apples and kill all the villagers that time and also imprisoned his twin brither in a stone for 500 years. He has goops running on all his cloths and bones and have black tentackles on his back on his scapula , above his thoracic vertebrae.

He thought Ink just messed up with the codes,so error would take care of it later but it seems something bad gonna happens to him.

"Yer okay there, boss? Yer seems distrubted." said Killer, one of his underling. He has black tears running from his eye sockets and have a red soul in front of his clothed ribcage .Nightmare just take a sip of his black coffee while trying to stop the headache.

"Nothing important. Tell Dust and Horror to take care of the AUs and kill all the humans before extract the souls" Said Nightmare with his usual grumpy tone. Killer just nods his head and teleported out of the room. Nightmare put his head on the table aand let out a sigh.

"Dreams's aura never this powerfull. It seems the source of this aura is a threat to my throne"  Said Nightmare to himself. He get up of his seat and opens a portal to the source of positivity. he told himself that if something attack,he would teleport away as soon as possible. The portal he opened let out a great amount of positivity and he decided to take a step back. He close the portal and he swore that he saw something flying towards him from the portal and he swore to himself that he would never, ever visit that AU ever again.

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