Escape Plan: BOOM

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Nightmare open his eye, finding himself inside his tent with his bags besides him. He stand up , undress himself and enter the hot springs. The water didn't hurt him like people thought. Besides, he always showers before sleep and when he woke up. He check the book once again. He already got sulfur from the hot springs, charcoal, and nitric acid from bats in the cave. He only need to find the nearest sea to find seashells. And grapes. He wish he could teleport to a place he never been so he doesn't waste his energy by walking. It's only 2 days after Swad let him wander around his universe and yet, it felt too long. According to Swad, one week at this place means a month at the other AUs. That means 2 days at this place means 8 days in another Aus. It was 1:4 weeks after all. He put back the notebook in his bag and continue to relax himself in the hot springs .

But one thing in Nightmare's mind. He need to find everything before a month in another AUs. He knew Swad didn't let him go without a catch after all. Swad didn't tell him that he would come back in a week using this AUs time or another AUs time.

"The fuck was I thinking?! There always a catch in the fucking deal!" Golden feathers fall down, from above, making Nightmare's eye widen in fear. He didn't even have anything to cover his naked body. He just enjoying himself in a bath for fucks sake. He didn't thought the angel would come when he's bathing. He stay underwater, not looking at the smirking smirking angel that now in front of him.

"My, my, Darling~ I didn't know that you already waiting for me~." Swad smirked more when he saw Nightmare's half seen naked body in front of him. He licks his teeth as he can feel himself become excited by looking at Nightmare's body. He wonders how beautiful Nightmare are, screaming under him.

"What are you doing here, Swad? I thought you said that you will visit me once a week." Nightmare said with venom in his tone. He know there is a catch in the deal. Swad won't wait any longer if he uses the time in another AUs. 2 days here means 8 days in another multiverse after all. That means he will need to finish his work in one week,  not a month!

"Got problem with that?" Swad cocks his head to the side, looking into Nightmare's single eye.

"It's my deal, my world, my rules after all."  Swad smirked, sending shivers onto Nightmare's bone. The guardian knows about this already...

But it hurts hearing it from Swad himself.

"Fine...  But leave me alone for a week in this world timeline. Just a week,  the I'll come back on my own... Please." Nightmare close his eye, preparing for a 'no' from Swad.

"Fine. You got yourself a deal. But on one condition. Kiss me, but with your tongue" Swad grins as he come closer To Nightmare's naked figure. Nightmare nods, accepting the deal between them. Swad enter the hot springs,  not bothering about his clothes that are now wet. Need kissed Nightmare, from 'lips to lips'. It was a sweet innocent kiss until Swad lick Nightmare's 'lips', asking for permission to enter. Nightmare obligated once, only for the deal and open his mouth for Swad to enter. Swad's tongue greedily claim his new territory, making Nightmare let out a shocked moan. Swad stop after a few minutes of kissing,  making Nightmare desperately trying to breath.

"Ahh... I wish I could take you right here,  right now... Naked in front of me, with sweats trickling down your body...  But I'll save it for punishment. See you later in 7 days I'm this timeline. I'll keep my promise. I won't count these two days. 7 days starting tomorrow." Swad smirked when he saw a slight blush on Nightmare's face.

"I'll see you in a week,  darling... " Swad peck Nightmare's 'lips' and fly back to his castle. Nightmare sit, his body slumped down into the water,  not caring about anything else other than what just happened.

He get dressed and try to relocate the nearest beach. Cyan dusted his face when he thought back what just happened. He usually doesn't care much.  But that, is messing up his emotion. He can feel that Swad thing to manipulate his feelings, that's why he didn't try to struggle. If he does, Swad definitely going to make him obedient with his aura.

"Found it! Seashells..." Nightmare use his tentacles to take all the seashells and put them in a leather bag. All he need to do is add all those things and pound to solidify it.

And then, boom! The gun powder is ready.

"Finally... It's done...." Nightmare sighed in relieve when it's finally done. All he need to do is to lure Swad out of his castle and put the gunpowder in the castle. First, he need to activate the gunpowder and hides them among the trees. That time, it will activated by Swad's hot aura, making it looks like we're under attack.

"This need to be perfect... If not.... I..  I will... " Nightmare stay silent as his shadows spread out to put the gunpowder among the trees.

"This is it...." He already use his shadows to prepare to put the gun powder away from here. He lit up a fire and throw the explosive weapon into the fire. He quickly teleport away before its explode. A giant explosive came,  making a noticeable appearance from the bomb. He quickly hides in the shadow as he saw Swad flying towards the cause. Nightmare grins, Swad still doesn't know that Swad's aura is the reason for the bomb to activate.

Nightmare sneak into the castle and put the bomb in every entrance to make him alert if Swad come back after realizing this is actually a trap. He enters Swad's bedroom,  and push the bed aside. He unlock the secret door using his power and lock the door after it, not realizing a loud scream outside the castle....


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