Truth Between Lies

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Everything goes smoothly for Nightmare. He packed a few clothes for himself and a tent since he'll travel and explore the AU while searching for the items he needed.

"There you go. Everything packed? If not I'll grab it for ya." Swad smiles sadly. Although he don't want Nightmare to escape him or leave him, he need to earn Nightmare's trust to let him go. The smaller shakes his head.

"I already have everything I need. I just need to find hot springs to take a bath and set up my tent." Nightmare didn't look up at Swad. He knew one thing from yesterday. Once he escape, Swad will catch him and make a family with him if he's at his mercy.

"You know I love you, right? Then I would wait for you to love me too. I would wait a hundreds years if I need to."Swad hugs Nightmare from behind. Nightnare bit his 'lips', trying his best to not struggling. He didn't want another hickeys on his collar bone and femur just because he hate being hugged by others.

"I'll see you in a week. If you're short on food supplies, I'll help you find some." Swad snuggles Nightmare and let him go. But not before kiss Nightmare on the 'lips'. Nightmare hopelessly kiss him back and push him lightly.

"Oh stars... I can't help it. You're far too iresistable. No matter how much I want to mark you mine, I'll control my urges. I love you, darling. " Nightmare bit his 'lips', he don't want to say it. He hate that word. He felt hummilated but he need to as part of the deal.

"I... Love you too..." Says Nightmare with a small voice. Swad grins and peck the others 'lips'.

"How obedient. You maybe will get some reward if you keep this up. The nearest hot springs in on the mountain over there." Says Swad. He close the door after Nightmare finally out of his view. Swad take a deep breath and look at a small bulge in his pant.
"You do know how to be a good after all, darling ... But you don't know what you have done to me... "

After about 3 hours hiking the mountain, Nightmare saw a big hot springs with a mesmerising views around it. He set up his tent and look around the mountain. His legs trembling, exhausted after climbing up the mountain. He saw a cave near the mountain, which is about a few miles from the hot springs. Nightmare teleport to the cave and found out there are bats on the roof. He put a container under the spikes and teleport back to his tent. He mines the rocks that around the hot springs and put them in the leather bag he brought along. He put the yellow powder he got from the hot springs in his bag and hide it in his tent.

"Everything's only half way done. Need some charcoal and find some grape. Maybe I should hunt some food too? Yeah I guess. Not gonna hunt at night for sure." Nightmare teleport to the middle of the jungle and search for some animal. He saw a deer hiding from him, hiding itself behind the tree. Unfortunately for the deer, Nightmare could know if there's a living things around him. He use his tentacles to stab it and brought it back to the camp. He lights up some woods and spare some for future use.

'A month by myself isn't that bad. As long as no one try to kill me, I'm good. Killer and others.... Well, as long as they didn't go on a rampage and get themselves killed, everything's okay, I guess..' thought Nightnare to himself. He enter his tent and check his book that he kept hidden in his jacket. He already found hot springs and nitric acid from caves. He also done the hunting part. All he need now is to find the sea and grapes.

' This is only for distraction. Once I got his attention, I'll escape using the hidden door under his bed. As for the star shits... I'll take care of it later. I hope Moon got everything we need and help Alastor escape Bill.' Nightmare put his book in his jacket, fall back and close his eye, fall into a deep slumber.

Inside the grand castle, sounds of groan and moans echoes through the hallway. The source was from mainly from Swad's bedroom. The maids and butlers can't do anything except run to their servants headquarters. If they stay at the palace when the king take care of his heat, they'll die from overheat by Swad's aura. Swad grind towards Nightmare's pillow and take a deep breath of Nightmare's remaining scent. His scent are intoxicated and making the king more aroused than he already are. Someone knocks the door, making Swad stop what he's doing.

"Who the Fuck is it!? " Swad groan in displeasure. A familiar laugh could be head from the other side. Swad put the pillow on his lap, hiding his erection. The door opens, revealing a familiar, goopy skeleton.

"Wow, that's not a great thing to say to an old friend, angel. " the skeleton says with a smirk on his face. He look at Swad's covered erection and lick his 'lips' lustfully. Swad rolls his eyes and glare at the skeleton in front of him.

"What the Fuck do you want? Does curse me to fall in to a painful heat for not mating with you decades ago wasn't enough? You know I don't feel the same way and I already knew that you manipulate the Sanses from original universe to believe that Nightmare was already dead. Tell me Nightberry... What the fuck do you want? " Swad spats his word with venom laced in it. It proves it how much he hate Nightberry for drugging him and try to mate with him decades ago. Not that all, Nightberry once cheated on him with Delusion, his ex friend. Nightberry laughs. His voice echoes through the hallways with how loud he is.

"HAHAHAHAHAH What I want? No No No, Angel, you forgot one thing isn't it? Yes I know I lied to the original sanses about Nightmare's death. But you forgot one thing. The Original Me didn't love you isn't it? Doesn't it hurt not to be loved by your loved one? HAHAHAHAHA you're pathetic without me, angel. No one loves you like I do. I know you told yoursef:' those curse are just lies to keep darling with me.' and 'I want him to trust me and stay with me forever' but you can't lie to your self, angel. Those 'I love you's could save you. But you can't sugar coat your pain. " Nightberry smiles when he saw Swad grip his shirt, trying to breath.

"Those flowers in your ribcage... It's hurts isn't it, angel? "

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