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Its finally the extermination day where all demon would be killed by the angels from Heaven. Nightmare and Moon already prepared themselves before hand for the war. They knew Swad would join the Angels side to take them away to his AU. Moon knew that there's no going back if he get captured by that insane angel.

_Nightmare Point Of View_

"Listen here. Angels have a powerful power like Alastor and I hope you all stay focus and stay safe. Remember, if those angel kill you with their weapon, there's no going back. " Said Chara while welding her knife. Mettaton and Undyne already prepare their weapons while Gaster just told Frisk that he's gonna stay here at the hotel during the turf war.

Moons and I stay together with Alastor since he need to fulfill his part of deal by protecting us from Swad. During the war, Alastor told us that he's gonna buy us some time to escape by fighting Swad himself.

"You sure about this? Swad is powerful, and have more power than those common angels. You might double dead." Said Moon while taking out his blue sword.

"Don't worry, my friend. It makes the situation more entertaining! " Said Alastor, let out a hearty laugh.

"Let's just go find a spot to hide. It's almost time. " I said while pull Moon's arm and teleport away to the hideout that we found last month.

"You sure we'll be safe here? " Moon asked me. I roll my eyes and take one of his cigarette.

"Don't let him sense your aura. He can track us more easier like that. " I said.

_Third Person Point Of View_

Swad manage to sneak in by wearing the angel's extermination mask and join the angels for extermination. The leader of the angels told them that they need to kill any demon in sight and don't mess with any overlord like Alastor, Flowery and Asgore.

'Overlord? Sounds interesting... ' thought Swad to himself . When the leader open the portal to Hell, he knew that both nightmares already hide their aura. The hell is very hot but thanks to his aura, the fire didn't burn him.

"You wanna play hide and seek? Sure. Let's play... " Swad look for every possible place where both nightmares would hide but he can't sense them. The angels start killing all those loathsome sinners in their sight without any mercy, Swad thinks that all of this is useless because every one here gonna die if he use his aura. Including the angels themselves.

"Pathetic." That's what Swad thinks about the demons. But one thing comes to mind.

"Let's just hope those angels didn't kill neither Nightmare nor Moon". He teleport to a random place in hell and he saw a red haired demon with ponytail hair style and a spear bomb in her hand.

"You're looking for a fight, 'Angel'? Why didn't you take your things that full of bullshit off my turf before I smash your goddamn wings off." Said Hell!Undyne with a toothy grin, revealing her sharp teeth.

"Oh,you wanna go Missy? I'll be happy to apply." Said Swad with his insane grin. He let out his aura and decided to blow off some steam.

On the other side in Alastor's mansion. Both Nightmare and Moon sense that Swad already here in hell and they need to prepare themselves for war.

"This is bullshit. Why didn't he just fucking give up and let us go? " Nightmare accidentally broke his pen. Moon didn't say anything but he thought that he need to told Nightmare the reason.

"It's because of me. He eat those golden apple to protect me but I ran from him because he's no longer my brother that I used to know. It's all my fault." Said Moon while grip his book tightly.

"None of this is your fault. We're the same person after all. If Dream didn't eat those apple, you'll be like me right now. At least your brother try to protect you. "Nightmare whisper to himself while looking at the broken pen. He groaned and walk toward a big window behind him. His cyan eye widen at the scene that was in front of him.

"This is worst than I thought. "

Moon turn on the TV and it seems the angels attack are currently in the news.

_666 news_

"Good afternoon, I'm Katie. "

"And I'm Burger Pants. Chaos at the Pentagram city today is a extermination all around the Hell is raging starting from the west side. Between an unknown golden feathered angel, and the warrior of nine circle Undyne the undying. "

"That's right, Bp. After the recent arrival of Two prince of Negativity and Chaos that take over the Overlord Flowey, many areas are now for grabs. Demons all over hell already duking it out to gain new territory. But it's seems all the Angels already on rampage on killing all the demons in the west side."

"It's look like they're really going all out in this war."

"It's look like they're fighting tooth and nails to be noticed by The Princes!"

"And I'm sure I'll be the one that being noticed by the Prince."Said Bp with a small chuckle.

"You're a limp dick jackass, Bp. Or should I say... No dick? "Katie pour her hot coffee onto Bp's pant making him screaming in pain.

"Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview which is The Princes of Negativity and Chaos whose here would discuss about all the chaos project and this that they would do if they're still safe from the angel after this extermination. All that and more, after break! Shut up you son of a bi-"

_666 news ends_

"Fuck it! Why did we agree for all this interview bullshit. Now Swad gonna take us during the fucking interview when he saw this fucking news!" Nightmare might gone insane after this. He didn't want all of this at all. He just want to have a time for himself and his gang.

"I know you're angry about a of this. But you might release your aura if you keep this up. Calm down and let's just go to the TV station. We might teleport to your base after this and go to an AU that no one can enter ,like antivoid or something like that. "Said Moon trying to ressure Nightmare.

"Maybe you're right. "Nightmare close his single eye. "I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up in 30 minutes. " Moon just nods and continue to read his book.

'This cannot go wrong. If this plan go wrong, then I can kiss our freedom goodbye forever.' Thought Moon to himself.

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