Let's go home, shall we?

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" I found you..." Said Swad when he saw the news. He hide his presence and fly towards the TV station.He grinned when he saw two familiar skeleton, Nightmare and Moon themselves resting on a couch.

"I want to take them right now but I'll attack them during the broadcast. With that, I'll tell the whole AUs that both nightmares are mine. This gonna be very fun."

The golden angel chuckle to himself and hide behind a wall, behind a demon that look like a alligator . He need to keep a low profile and ambush them when all the demon lowers their guard. Nightmare open his eye when Moon shook him.

"It's time." Said Moon. While smoke his cigar like usual. Both nightmares go to the broadcast room and saw that Frisk and Katie are arguing.

"You'd better know your manners, bitch. I don't care if you disrespect me but these nightmares could kill you without mercy and if they did, I hope you will suffer more than the day you're dead. " Said Frisk, still holding her anger. She knew what would happen if this Katie bitch didn't shut her fucking mouth.

"Come on, I don't touch the gays. It includes you, princess and your worthless redemption idea. Those princes are nothing like you after all. They cause chaos and feed from Negativity unlike you,"princess" who believe there are rainbows in demons." Said Katie.

"What the fuck happened here?" Nightmare look at Frisk and Katie that arguing for nothing. Moon look around and saw countless angels waiting for them near the window but can't enter the building thanks Alastor's power.

"It's nothing important your highness. We are gonna be on air in 5 minutes and be prepared with your speech after the break."Said Katie kindly towards Nightmare and Moon.
"Tch,what a bitch. " Said Chara while glaring dagger at Katie who just insult her friend, Frisk.
"Let's go on with the broadcast so we won't be here for too long. "Said Moon, sitting on a special chair for him and Nightmare.

_666 news_

"Welcome back, I'm Katie. Today we're gonna talk about the arrival of Prince of Negativity, Prince Moon and The King of Darkness, Lord Nightmare."

"That's right. Today, we even have them to talk with us in front of countless Angels from Heaven. Tell me your highnesses, why did you come here to Hell? There's must be something going on, right? "

"Let me tell y'all the story. It's a short one. We're running away from my brother. The angel with golden wings among the angels. Nightmare is my other self from another universe that getting involved without this knowledge. And I know, he's here among the angels. " Moon look at the camera sternly, knowing that Swad is watching them.

"What he's gonna do if he capture both of you? Torture? " Bp look at Moon, full of curiosity. Moon sigh while looking at the camera . His eyesockets are shallow and full of darkness, making anyone who look at his eyes on the TV shivers.

"Torture?  Swad is never that merciful.  He would chain me up for his amusement, and he would have his way with me, for his own need. As for Nightmare, it's worst. He would fuck Nightmare to make him little slut, and then make him his lover. He would do ANYTHING to keep Nightmare." Someone claps their hands which confused the demons whose watching the broadcast . Why would someone claps their hands when the Princes of Chaos getting tortured by an insane angel with the worst way possible? Several glowing chains surrounded Nightmare and Moon.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!?" Nightmare and Moon yelled in unison. They can't teleport away because of the chains. There's only three person that can prevent the teleportation. Bill, Alastor and....


"My, My...  Even thought we're in hell,  mind your language, dear ."

Swad grins from 'ear to ear' when he finally have both Nightmares in his grasp. He take both Nightmares using his chains, making them grunt in pain from the positivity. Nightmare's tentacles try to attack Swad but he can't escape the chains due to huge amount of positivity Swad released.

"Let us go you fucking piece of shit! What do you want with us?!" Nightmare shouted out of rage. He knew what's gonna happen to him,  but he need to at least keep Moon safe from this insane angel.

"Darling, isn't it obvious? You know what I want. It seems you're clueless even all these cat and mouse game. I want you darling... I want to make you mine, the one who would wait for me after a tired day of works with a home made cooking. Be with me darling. You'll live like a queen. The queen of my life. No one would take you or hurt you once you're mine. "

"Then what the hell you use me!? Nightmare, don't go with him!  He's manipulating you so you'll go with him. He once have his way with me without my consent-" Moon stopped when he looks at Nightmare's eye.
Nightmare knew that he didn't want to do this but he need to at least let one of them leave and get helps from the outside world. He also knew that Swad won't let him go and would let Moon go by a condition. Alastor got caught by Bill during the war and were chained until Swad got Nightmare. The only thing to do is make a deal with this insane angel.

"Come on darling...  The clock is ticking." Swad look impatient with Nightmare's silent treatment. Nightmare look Moon with a small smile and and tired eye. He mumbled 'I'm sorry' before looking at Swad in the eyes. Swad's eyes are too bright that it almost blinded Nightmare.

"I'll go with you with several conditions." His single cyan eye look at Swad with determination.

"Tell me, darling.  You want to live in the palace like you always wanted? Chaos? Money? Gold?  Tell me... "

"I want you not to involved Dream's gang and my gang in this. And Let Moon go. You said you loved me but I don't like to share my things. "

Swad hummed at the conditions and give Nightmare his signature grin. Swad hit Moon behind his head and put him on the floor. He opens a portal to Swap!Dreamtale and put his arm around Nightmare's waist, give a kiss on his skull.

"It's a deal then. Well...Let's go home, shall we? "

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