Run for your safety...please

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"The hell!? Why me? Why must someone that have the power of negativity?" Nightmare shouted, gaining unwanted attention from the surrounding civillian. He stormed off and opens a portal to his castle.

"Nightmare! We can talk about this! I-I'm sure that we can prevent them from getting you! Said Dream,worried about Nightmare's state. Both of the felt something bad getting closer. Without any comment, both of them enter the anti-void.

" What the fuck was that!?" Nightmare can feel his bones rattles with fears. He know that he shouldn't feel this bit he can't control it whenever the dangerous creature like Swad try to get him. He's the king of Negativity, yet scared by the destroyer of another multi-universe that trying to get him.

"That's the source. The one that trying to get you. Listen here brother, I know you hated me since the incident but I need you to hear me out." Said Dream sternly . Nightmare nod his head and listen closely to Dream. He didn't like to have a truce with the star shits yet he need their help to escape Swad.

"Go to any abandoned AU and use your passive form and never leak your aura. 'The source' most likely didn't know that you're the one he's looking for. Search for any Sans that didn't associated with 'the source'" said Dream while taking out his weapon.

"I'll buy you some time to run.GO!" Shouted Dream when a golden portal opens appeared out of nowhere in front of them. This is the anti-void but it seems that Swad manage to track him down. Nightmare enter a random,abandoned AU and turn into his passive form. And looking at the sky, he know that he's in Helltale, where's the powerful demon , a deal maker lives.

"Well,well, look what we have here." Said a static-like voices behind him. The Sans in Helltale is a demon, a radio demon. He got a red coat and a red dress suit with a bow. He also wear a hood like Bill's but with a deer ears and antlers.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before." Nightmare gave him a questioning face. He never heard of this Sans before. 'Maybe I teleported to another random AU that Ink doesn't make. Maybe he doesn't know this AU exists.' Thought Nightmare to himself.

"The names Sans. Sans the radio demon. Welcome to Helltale, where the sinners live for eternity! You can call me as Alastor so you won't get confused with other Sanses out there." Said Alastor cheerfully.

"Can you tell me where's the nearest hotel? I need to take a break from all this shits that keep coming today." Nightmare groans when he remember why he's here at the first place.

"I've got a perfect place for ya! Its a hotel that you can stay for free! Its actually for redemption but I'll let it slide for ya. Interested?" Alastor look at the King of Negativity with his usual toothy grin. Nightmare just rolled his eye but nods anyway. Beggars can't be chooser after all. Although he's a king, he also need protection.

"That's great! I'm sure Frisk and Chara would be delighted to hear I brought another guest with me! Hohoho in on the roll! This is going to be very entertaining!" Alastor looks proud of himself.

"Self-centered" mumbled Nightmare to himself. Alastor heard him but ignore it because he already used to the 'compliment'.

On the other side, Swad walks out of the portal and saw Dream took out his weapon, ready to attack him if he do something. Swad knew that he can't make his aura stronger to weaken Dream because Dream is also made of Positivity.

"Gone already? Maybe I should come a bit earlier next time." Said Swad while taking out his double dagger, ready to attack Dream. No one would bother them since they're in the anti-void. Dream grit his teeth and launch an attack at Swad. Swad manage to dodge it easily since he knew that Dream is him but in another universe. A weaker version of himself.

"Why are you after Nightmare and other version of him, 'angel'? Trying to take my brother away. from me, unforgivable." Said Dream sternly with shadows covering half of his face. Swad let out a hearty laugh when he look at Dream that was taking the situation seriously.

"He's beautiful... Addicting to say at least. Making me me craving for his touch, for more... " Said Swad with his voice full of insanith and obsession. Dream step back from where he's standing, ready to teleport away after asking him one last question.

"Who is the other one you're after. I know you're after two people. Nightmare and the other one. Tell me, 'angel', who are they?" Asked Dream, trying to be as cautious as possible if Swad possibly would use a surprise attack on him. Swad just stretch his bones while humming a short song.

"Close your eyes, shut your mouth. Dream and dream and let us out...
Little starlight, that none of your business. Stop being nosey in my problem let me do my thing and I won't bother ya anymore."

Dream grit his teeth and held his weapon tighter.

"None of my business? NONE OF MY BUSINESS!? You just freaking after my brother and you told me that its none of my business? Ha! How funny!" Said Dream sarcastically. He attack Swad all of sudden, making Swad surprised with the sudden attack.

"Sorry 'angel', I won't let you get Nightmare no matter what you done." Dream about to stab him but Swad manage to teleported behind him and held his neck with one hand.

"I don't care if you let me or not. I'm not asking for your permission after all. I'm just gonna take what'd mine." Said Swad sternly. He remove his hand from Dream's neck and walk away.

"Moon. I'm after my own brother. I need to find him and have a 'talk' with him" Said Swad without looking back.Swad closed the portal and Dream quickly stand up trying to regain his balance.

"Fuck...I need to inform this to Ink and The Bad Sanses as soon as possible."

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