Negativity Overwhelmed

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Killer was hyperventilating at this point, same for the other three; Dust, Horror and Cross. Without Nightmare, the only one who could eat away their negative feelings, they become completely insane and could not maintain their emotions. 

"Get the fuck away from me!" Killer yells at the star Sanses when Dream try to lessen their pain. Dream doesn't know that his power only hurting them more. They were all Nightmare's emotional dinner after all. They let Nightmare eat their sorrow, and let them be happy, but Dream could give them happiness, but did not make their sorrow disappear. They all are on their knees, overwhelmed by their own sorrow, trauma, loneliness and sadness. 

"They would not even let me got close to them! How should I help them, Ink?" Dream look at Ink and the artist thinks for a minute, which is rare because he always answer what he had in mind. 

"How about I put them in a cage, and you can use your power on them? I'm sure they would not resist." Which is a lie through his teeth. They all saw how Killer and the other hissed when Dream come close them. Before Ink manage to activated his large paint brush to lock the Bad Sanses up, Moon stepped up and hold his radius and ulna (forearm).

"No!" Everyone seems shocked when they looked at how stern Moon was. When Moon was aware about what he just did, he was embarrassed but still stand his ground. 

"I will take care of them. You do not need to cage them up. I, I think I can help them. Nightmare and I are the same person after all." Moon states the fact that he is also Nightmare, the si\ource of Negativity. He can absorbs their sorrows too. 

"Your are not wrong. I guess we can just left them to you." Ink just walk away without his best friend, Dream and Swap. Swap nods, agreeing with Ink, but it seems that Dream does not trust Moon. He wants the Bad Sanses to have positive feelings in them and behave after they have got his positivity. Even as one of the good guy, Dream is a greedy monster like the other Sanses. He wants them to be a 'good obedient Sans' like the ones that have 'their happy ending' even thought it was quite clear what the humans did to Cross, Killer, Dust and Horror. As selfish as he is, Dream step forward and stop Moon from making contacts with the Sanses that was overwhelmed by their suffering. 

"What do you think you are doing, Dream? You, of all monster should have know that how overwhelmed they are!" Moon was getting defensive when Dream block his way from curing the skeletons. 

"I would not let you take another step forward. I will be the one who will cure them with my power.  I would not let you take their emotions. I will give them positivity myself." Dream says. He looks different when Ink and Swap left them. There is no sparks of light in his pupils, just some obsessive greed in his pupils.

"They are fucking suffering, Dream! They are at the verge of insanity! I would not agree to torturing them like a fucking animal, like the monsters that was killed by humans! You are a guardian, Dream!"

"I know what I'm doing. I'm getting rid of all this negative feelings for good. There will be no murder, no chaos,  no 'bad' Sanses." Dream smile, but when he did, Moons was surprised when one of Dream's pupil are golden, like his brother, Swad. Moon could not fight Dream because of their allies against Swad, but he had a better ideas. Before Dream manage to utter another word, Moon manage to teleport the overwhelmed sanses to the Hell!tale, where Swad and Dream could not enter. He began absorbing the sorrow from Killer and the others before they drive themselves to insanity, which would make them lose their mind and there is no going back. 

"Ha..."Dream breathe in heavily. He is just very close to erase his brother's underlings from existence. His golden pupil disappear, as if it never happened. This never happened before, that's for sure. He never being this pissed before even when he lost the fights against Nightmare and his gang.  His hands were clenched tightly as if he had something important in his hands.  but in reality, he never felt this humiliated in 500 years of his life. The kind version of his own brother would not even bat an eyes on him, and still protect the bad guys even after knowing what they did.

"So fucking annoying ." Dream just walk out from their  hide out and punch the nearest tree in frustration. Before he manages to mutter more curses, he senses that Ink and Blue comeback for him after realizing that he was not with them. He smiles sweetly at them, as if he was never pissed or punch a tree in the first place.

"There you both are. I thought you both forgotten about me." Dream pout when he saw that Blue just got himself a smoothies when he went with Ink, leaving Dream behind. Ink raise a nonexistent eyebrows when he saw that the tree was destroyed and Moon with the Bad Sanses disappeared.

"What just happened here? Ink and I only left for 5 minutes." Blue mutters, trying to find some clues by looking around. Ink nods, agreeing with Blue. Why does all of these chaos happened when they left for 5 minutes?

"Horror went into feral mode and the punch the tree. Moon took them to a secret place so no one could be harmed." Dream says while showing them the trace of what happened. The disappearance of Moon, and the broken tree. and of course, that was all lies. It was all to make him looks like he does not even part of the chaos. 

"I see. Well, Let's just let Moon do his things. Want to help us to find the remaining track of your brother?" Ink asks and Dream quickly nods.

"Of course. He is my brother after all. I hope Moon manage to cure them and we can find him and the bad Sanses sooner." Dream nods and smiled happily, with one of his eyes that was not seen my Ink or Blue become slightly golden, full of malice.

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