Swad's Secret

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Unknown to Nightmare, he never know anything about Swad or his past except he ate the golden apple. He didn't like the way Swad looking insanely in love with those glowing eyes. Two weeks already pass since the day Swad caught him. He already gains half of Swad's trust and he manage to access the library.

"Fucking touch starved bird. Why the fuck he can't leave me alone? It's just a fricking library for the goddamn's sake. " Nightmare mutters to himself. During his time exploring the large library, he found Swad's working table that was hidden from other bookshelves. There are some story books and even a bunch of paper on the table. There are some half burned scrolls and books on the table. It was far messier than the other rooms.

"For a neat freak, he seems to never care about his work place for sure." Nightmare saw a certain scroll that caught his eye. The scroll is pink, unlike other books and scrolls. He opens the scroll and read the contents. But before he manage to read the first word, the world around him become blurry.

Nightmare saw himself in the library he was in when reading the scroll, but this one seems new and have no dust. As if he manage to enter someone's memory. He's now a few meters away from the two individuals that's having conversations in front of him. He stood there and they didn't even look at him. As if he's invisible. The two person in front of him are Swad and another version of Nightmare himself,  Strawberry Nightmare

" You know that you're not the one for me, Nightberry.  You can't cure me. This curse is made for me. I need to find another version of you that far greater and have a pure negativity to cure me."

"I don't want you to die, Swad. Not if there's something we can do stop. Together. " Nightberry look at Swad with determination in his pink eye.

"Goodbye, Nightberry. " Said Swad with disgust in his tone. He leave Nightberry alone in the library.

"Right...  Right. If he won't listen to reason...  I'll just have to make him listen. " Said Nightberry to himself. Nightmare follows Nightberry to Swad's magic room which is quite far from the library.

"Swad,  we need to talk about-" He starts coughing, knees wobbling on the miasmic energy pressed down on him. Nightberry stumbles and finally drops to his knees under the weight, hands trembling at the oppressive energy.

"What is this?  What are you doing? "

"Can't you tell? "

Amused interest dances in his eyes as he looks down at Nightberry.  He tilts his head to the side, observing. He casually slides a hand into back of the pink hoodie and pulls Nightberry's skull back to look at him in the eyes.

"Just a magic trick. "

Shivers roll down Nightberry's body. A soft noises escapes his nonexistent lips. Swad lowers his hand to Nightberry's jaw, turning his head this way and that. Curiosity, or maybe more, flits across his features.
Swad appraises him for a long moment before finally turning towards the back room. Nightberry quickly scrambles to his feet, adjusting his rumpled hoodie, as Swad disappear into the back.

"Blood. Bone. Sweats and tears. All sorts of things make powerful catalysts for these spells. I wonder...  How much are you willing to give up, Berry? "

Nightberry swallows, still straining under the heavy energy that fills the room. He bites his nonexistent lip, looking eagerly at Swad.

"I'll give you all of me, if that's what it takes. "

"All of you?  Oh, Berry... For now, I just need you hand."

Nightberry extends his arm without hesitation, so fast he nearly knocks over a nearby bottle. Swad traces his lifeline with a light touch, and then picks up an ornate ceremonial dagger. He cuts into Nightberry's palm . Blood trickles down onto the table, lighting up the circle for a moment before fading away.

"That's it? "

Nightberry seems dissapointed. Swad laughs,  a soft murmur of surprise escapes his nonexistent lips as he glances up at Nightberry.

" Did you want me to hurt you more? "

Swad lifts Nightberry's bloodied hand to his lips and, running his tounge along the cut as he meet his eyes.

"You're talking too much, Berry. "

Swad presses forward, meeting no resistance, and pushes Nightberry back against the wall.

"Yo-you- Oh my god, yes, I'll do anything you want, anything at all, whatever you need-"

"You know I can't give you everything you want, Berry. "

Nightberry slides down to his knees, gazing up at Swad with hunger in his eyes.

"I'll take what I can get. "

Swad laughs, hand sliding roughly behind Nightberry's throat to pull and leans down.

... And then Nightmare thrown back to the present. Nightmare are speechless when Swad's secret was revealed to him.

"What the fuck...  That's kinda hot-  Nightmare, No! He's your captor for the fuck's sake. He need me for his cure or what ever they call it... I still have time to run. " but before Nightmare manage to think, Swad suddenly enter the library with a tray of Nightmare's favourite food in his hands.

"Darling, it's time for lunch. You almost skip it again. This is the second time this week. " Swad look at Nightmare skeptically and he leans forward, his lips nears Nightmare's 'ear'.

"You don't want to be punished right?  Be a good boy and eat your food,  my love~"

Nightmare shivers and just nods his head and head towards the kitchen, his food still in Swad's hand. Swad smiles cheerfully, releasing an insane amount of positivity, making Nightmare hiss in pain.

"Lower you aura, Swad. I just want to eat in peace because you took my freedom, you fucker." Nightmare snaps at Swad with rage in his single, cyan eye. He almost loose control but he knew Swad is stronger than him. He also know that Swad want to break him and punish him if he disobeys him.

"Be a good boy and I won't hurt you. That's a promise, darling. I usually don't make any promise but you can have faith in me, dear.  After all...  I love you the way you are. No matter if you're aggressive or a good boy.Weak or strong... I'll always love you... "

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