Time Together

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Swad leans towards Nightmare, staring at him for a long moment before smiling.

"I don't know how much time we have left together in this realm tonight, but... I want to make the most of it. That's a whole world to see out there you know. If you want to explore with me" Swad clasps both Nightmare's hands in his own excitement spreading to light up his whole face. Nightmare didn't want to go with Swad, but he knew that he really want to explore this realm. It's not everyday he could come to this realm. Plus, it's one of a kind.

"Fine. But you can't touch me or even hold my hand. Its pretty disgusting to hold yours or even stand beside you, shit head." Swad grins and let out small chuckles. Nightmare can see amusement in his eyes.

"You're too cute yet too rough for your own good, Darling... I'll keep my promise as long as you don't even try escape me. You know, if you do, you won't like the punishment, dear~" Nightmare mumbles a trail of curse under his breath and give up. He follows the bird's behind to the other part of the garden. He knew one thing for sure. This realm is right in the void. He isn't stupid to escape or leave Swad when they're in this place. Let's take this for an example. The void is like a black hole in the space. Even light, the fastest thing that ever existed couldn't escape it. Among the small asteroids, stars and planets, not all of them were swallowed whole by the black hole. This realm, where Nightmare and Swad are standing right now is like a small planet inside the black hole. It's a hidden au inside the void. There's only one person who could access the realm. And that person is the person that's walking in front of Nightmare right now.

"Look, we're almost there! I already made a midnight snack for us since I know that both of us can't sleep due to 'nightmares' right? " Nightmare groans, making Swad widen his grin. They enter a field that is full of strange colourful grass. Nightmare breath was taken away by that beautiful scenery . Nightmare didn't even deny that this place is absolutely beautiful like heaven. He didn't even grossed out by those colour and it didn't hurt Nightmare's eye.

"Lay down, Nightmare. This place is as good as heaven. Not gonna lie about that part since I stole those grass' and tree's seeds from heaven. Right before I come to hell to take you with me. " Nightmare bit his lower lip, still avoiding Swad's eyes that staring straight in to his cyan eye.

"Look at me, darling. Am I... Terrified you that much? " Nightmare nods his head slowly but didn't responds. He knew better than lie to Swad straight in the face. His face was suddenly grabbed by Swad's hand, making him faced the angel. He can't control his body and speech. As if he's trapped in his own body. He want to yell, kick, and fight Swad, but his body is trembling in fears. And Swad didn't like the amount of negativity Nightmare let out.

"You're hyperventilating.Close your eye and take a deep breath. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth okay?" Swad caress Nightmare's back and help him take a deep breath. Nightmare tugs Swad's jacket slightly, and follows Swad's order.

"In... Out... In... Out... That's it,darling. You're doing good. I guess it's time to go back. Let's go home, shall we?" like how they enter the realm through the fountain, Nightmare found out he's in the garden that was before Swad invite him to enter the realm. Nightmare's legs suddenly gave up and fall forward to the ground. Luckily, Swad manage to caught him before he manage to hit the ground. When Swad about to ask why his legs giving up on him, he realised Nightmare already fast asleep in his arm. Swad's phalanges caress the shorter's skull and give him a peck on the forehead. Those travelling magic drains Nightmare and made him unconscious. As for Swad, he teleported Nightmare to their shared room a lay Nightmare down onto the bed.

"Sweet dream, Darling. I hope you understand why I restrained you back in the realm. If I didn't do it, you'll escape, and runaway from me. Night... You looks so good like this. Soo vurnable and defenceless on my bed... I'll keep my promise. I'll only do it when you make mistake or even give me your consent." Swad leave the room and lay himself down on the couch. He lays on his rib cage, facing away from the ceiling. He take two sleeping pills and swallow them without any water to wash it away. He then close his eyes and try to force himself to sleep. Luckily, Swad manage to fall asleep for the first time in weeks.

Killer and Cross couldn't sleep that night. Both of them knew that they need to find their boss as soon as possible. Alastor manage to escape and go back to hell and expand his power over all nine circle of hell. He already did his part of deal after all. Like a laid back deer demon and a sans he is, he never took anything seriously. For him, the world is a stage. And a stage is the world of entertainment. Moon try to track the remains of Swad's aura but it seems disappear without trace. He can sense Swad in their AU, but suddenly disappear that night as if they were not there at the first place.

"Damn it. It's all my fault. If I was stronger... " Moon groans in frustration and dissapointed in himself. Due to the overwhelming stress, he almost made his aura visible to Swad to track him down. Error look at the frustrated ex guardian and try to calm him down.

"CoUlDn'T YoU CaLm DoWn JuSt FoR A FuCkiNG MiNuTe!? I'm TrYiNg To CoNcEnTrAtE HeRe!" Error seems pissed off because of Moon's self blame.

"I KnOw YoU BlAmE YoUrSelF BuT I'Ll HeLp To GeT NiGhTmArE aWaY FrOm your BroTheR. DoN'T WoRrY"

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