New home

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Moon open his eyes, he saw Hell! Frisk looking at him with concern. He look around, Alastor and the angels are nowhere to be found.

"What happen? I remember we were at the studio and then-?"

"It's Nightmare. He was caught by the golden angel.  You were knocked out that time. Alastor seems nowhere to be found too." Said Gaster looking at the destruction. The angels already go back to heaven, leaving all the remaining demons roaming around. It's time for Frisk to lit up the fireworks.

"I know this is insane but I guess you should go back to your world and inform his gang about this."Said Chara while searching around hell to find any angelic weapon.

"I already know about that but the biggest problem here is that I don't even know who's his gang and where I can find them." said Moon while looking at the floor.

"His castle. You will recognized his aura around the AU. Nightmare once told me about that. "Said Undyne out of sudden. She just come back from Alphys lab after healing her wounds she got from Swad.

"Well,  Farewell then. " Said Moon giving them a small smile and open a portal to Outertale.

"Inform us if anything happens" Fisk look at him with determination.

"Don't worry. I will. "

Nightmare look at his supposed to be 'lover'. He didn't the way he smile. It's makes him shivers as if something bad gonna happen if he's disobey him. Swad take him to his room and the guest room. Of course, he want Nightmare to become comfortable with him first.

"So... Darling,  what do you want for dinner?" Swad asked Nightmare innocently. Nightmare glare at Swad's innocent act. He didn't like it. The way he look at Nightmare with list 8n his eyes, it's disgusting.

"A fried golden bird and scrambled gold eggs. " Said Nightmare, not looking at Swad and just stare at the chandelier above his head. Swad sure is rich more than Nightmare himself for sure. Swad raised his nonexistent eyebrow.

"Are you sure about that?  No toast or black coffe-"
"Black coffee would be fine. " said Nightmare, cutting Swad's off. Swad just hummed and make a cup of coffee for Nightmare and take a sit on a chair in front of him. Staring intensely at Nightmare.

"Stop being a freak and let me enjoy my coffee you imbecile. " Swad just rolled his eyes at Nightmare's remark.

"I'm just looking the beautiful creature in the multiverse. Am I not allowed to? " Swad gave him a smirk, making a small cyan blush appear on his cheek. Thankfully, this go unnoticed by the golden skeleton.

"Are you fucking blind? I'm NOT beautiful. I'm covered in black tar for the fuck's sake. " Said Nightmare while launching his tendrils towards Swad. His tendrils melt due to Swad's negativity and Nightmare scream in agony.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!? " Swad give Nightmare an evil smirk, staring directly in Nightmare's cyan eye.

"Behave, darling.  I don't want you burn to death just because I'm pissed at your rude attitude." Said Swad innocently, as if he didn't just burn Nightmare's tendrils.

Nightmare groan in pain, sit on the nearest couch and away from Swad. He didn't care about Swad's existent and he fall into the couch. His magic were blocked by some unknown force and he can't use portal to escape. Swad just smiled and took the plate and wash it.

"You'd better not run away, my dear. If you do, you'll get punishment and I know you wouldn't like it." Said Swad, smiling innocently.  He told Nightmare to follow him to introduce him to his own bedroom and also library.

The library is beautiful with a big glass windows that was made from the rarest sea glass that could only be found in oceantale and also a high quality book shelf that could reach the ceiling.  The library is not small, the library itself was almost the same size as Nightmare's old mansion.

"You have all these books for yourself? " Nightmare asks Swad in disbelief.  Swad just chuckles and shake his head.

"Yes but no darling, all these book is supposed to be my brother's book when he 'move in' here later. He loves to read when we're still kids. You can explore this library later. Let me take you to your bedroom. "

Nightmare just stare at Swad in disbelief but nods his head anyway. Moon is another version of himself after all. So it's understandable since nightmare himself love to reads books.

The bedroom is neat and beautiful, as if it was made especially for nightmare. The wall is painted grey, along with black carpet and a grey carpet in front of a queen-sized bed. The pillow were black along with a cyan and purple leaf pattern. The bed looks soft and comfortable.

"This is also used to be moon's room before he 'move out' six months ago. You can have it."Said Swad happily.  He look at the clock and found out it was already late.

" It's look like we're done here. It's already late. Goodnight, darling~" Said Swad while kissing Nightmare's skull. Nightmare hissed at Swad from the unwanted contact . He push Swad out and slam the door shut, locking it.

"God fucking damnit. He's really fucking annoying as Dream... Wait , he IS Dream but thousand times annoying!" Said Nightmare to himself.  He flopped down onto the bed and stare at the wardrobe. Maybe there's something he could wear other than his hoodie.  And maybe he can find some notes Moon left behind.
He open a wardrobe and saw Moon's hoodie and put it on. He also a saw piece of paper under the clothes.

'Dear Nightmare.
If you saw this, I presume that you've been caught by Swad. And I guess that you didn't come here by choice. Well let me tell you something... There's a hidden room under Swad's bed and Swad didn't know about it. It was sealed by my power. Since both of our power is made from negativity, I know you can break the seal. It will lead you to the underground dungeon and take you outside the castle. You'll find yourself in a forbidden forest. Just go straight and you'll find my hidden spot in a cave. You can stay in the forest until you got your power back. As yo7 know, we can't use our power in the castle except in Swad's room. Earn his trust first and you can go to his room to escape. But you'd better be careful, it's his room after all. Anything could happen if you fail. Remember that as long as you behave,  you won't get tortured physically or...  Sexually.  That's all. Hope you manage to escape.  I'll tell your brother and gang about your situation.

"Well,  I understood one thing...
I'm fucked. " Said Nightmare to himself.

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