Bill's riddles

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There's only one rule in hell. Don't trust any deal maker in this Hell. That's include The Radio Demon himself. He can give you what you crave, just not for free and he'll be there to watch and break you as you fall. The sadistic demon usually didn't deal with some common, loathsome sinners. But in this case, The King of Negativity himself come to seek his help to run away from an insane obsessive angel.

Swad manage to capture Moon and tied him up in his bedroom with his chains that was made of pure positivity, making Moon unable to move. Swad grins 'from ear to ear' when he look at Moon that was lying pathetically in his bed. Moon in his helpless state triggers somethings in Swad's soul.

"Stop trying to escape, brother. It's useless,and stop squirming around before I can't control myself to mark you mine permanently." Swad licks his teeth while looking at his hopeless brother. Moon try to destroy the chains but to no avail, its wasted. He need a key to escape this 'heavenly prison'. Swad opens a portal to Bill's place and saw him dealing with some loathsome sinners. He wanted another clue to find Nightmare. Acording to the deal, Bill need to give him some clue about Nightmare and Moon's wherebouts and as payment, Swad would create chaos and destroy the Multi-universe.

"Where's my other part of deal,Bill? Where's Nightmare?" Swad clench his fist and grit his teeth. He can't wait any further to have Nightmare in his arms.

"Well, let me tell you some clue.Somewhere you can't enter, full of chaos and death, have 7 biggest threat for any humans and monsters. This place is not innocent humans or monsters. Lastly, if someone manage to enter the place, they can't escape for eternity." Bill take a sip of his tea. 'Too bitter' Thought Bill to himself.

"Seriously,why didn't you just tell where he is?!" Swad really want to beat him up but he remembered that the only part of his deal is only clues to find Nightmare and Moon.

"Just because. Plus, isn't more fun to watch you to struggle to solves the riddles? Oh! I forgot to say that the 'place' will be opens for 24 hours six months from now. " Bill put a few cubes of sugar in his tea while take a bite of his favorite cinnamon bun.

"You think this is only such an entertainment,don't you?There's no fucking way I'm going to wait another six months" The 'angel' raised his eyebrow.Bill give his usual sly smirk to Swad.

"Go back to your universe. The times there are faster than any Aus. One week in your 'heaven', means one month in another Aus." Bill close his eyes and open a portal to Outertale so Swad could solve his riddles before waiting another 6 week in his own universe.

At the Star Sanses's base, Ink agree for the truce between the Bad sanses to search for Nightmare around the Aus.

"Where should we start searching for him? We can't just search every Aus in the Multiverse and act like nothing happens." Said Horror. He's now acting normally with the star sanses since they treat him with full course meal every time. They never treat The Bad Sanses like a criminal they used to be.

" We need a plan. Dream, can you reach Nightmare using your telepathy? " Blue asks Dream while making sure his armor is shining like always. He's the only skeleton with standard and perfection.

"Yes, I can but he's at a place I can't enter because full of Negativity and death, not mentioned the chaos there. Its a absolute a living hell Au." Said Dream while trying to reach Nightmare telepathically. But to no avail, he can't reach him because some kind of barrier blocked all types of positivity. At least Dream knows that Swad can't track him down for the time being.

"I can't reach Nightmare but I can tell that Nightmare himself decided to stay at the living hell Au for a while. And I can assure you that the 'angel' that are after him can't enter that Au too because there's a rule saying that 'Angel can't be in hell'. They can only 'visit' hell once a year of extermination every new year." Said Dream, calming down after he realized that Nightmare is safe.

"Which is six month from now. We only got five and half month to search a good place that make Swad didn't know where we hide Nightmare. ." Said Ink while looking at the plan. He made a copy for each of the sanses in the room and split up to search for the AU's.

"In six months, during the extermination, find Nightmare and bring him here. If you find a skeleton that is similar to Dream but with large golden wings, don't be stupid and run away from him. Do not exspose your aura . he can track us." Said Ink sternly. The Bad Sanses just rolled their eyes but nods anyway. At least the Star shits helps them to find their missing boss.

"Well, let see....Somewhere that I was forbidden to enter, full of chaos and death, have 7 biggest threat for any humans and monsters. Not a place for innocent humans or monsters. the last clue is if enter, never going back." Said Swad to himself while take a sip of his tea. He thought about all the Aus he knew and destroyed in the past.

"Underfell? No, there's only violence and chaos. Flowerfell? No, only people suffering from Hanahaki disease. Horrortale? Only death and chaos, I still can enter even thought anyone who enter can't escape since they would be eaten alive." Swad getting frustrated with the riddles until he accidentally break his cup.

"How the hell I need to find Nightmare if I can't solve this freaking riddles?!" He smash his cup to pieces and messed up the diner table. He's not good at riddles like Moon but he need to solve the riddles himself or the deal is off. But in the bright side, Bill never said that he can't take a clue from anyone.

"Tell me, brother. What is the only Au that I can't enter, full of chaos and deaths, have 7 threat to any humans ans monsters,not a place for innocents, and anyone who come in would never go back for eternity?" Swad grins at Moon he knew that Moon is good at riddles and puzzles.

"Like hell I'm going to tell you if you're going to capture another version of myself, Swad." Said Moon with venoms in his voice. swad came closer to Moon and put his thumb under Moon's chin.

"Are you really thought that I'm going to let you talk to me like that without getting punished, hm? Tell me a clue and I'll let it slide." said Swad with his usual insane yet sadistic smile. Moon shivers when Swad said about the punishments. He remembered that one time he misbehave, Swad whips him with a dagger that was connected with the chains that was made of pure positivity. He also remember that night after the torture, Swad made him do something that make him felt dirty even thought he showers for almost 3 hours. Moon lowered his head felt ashamed to himself.

"A place angel can't enter. a place for such a loathsome sinners. The chance was the life they lived before and the punishment is to fall into that place. There's no going back what is done." said Moon while clenching his fist. Swad grinned and kiss Moon's forehead.

"That's my good brother. Sleep after you done. I'm going out to meet those demons." Said Swad locking his castle with his positivity to prevent Moon from escaping.

Tears sliding down Moon's face, he felt guilty because he's the reason Dream become insane and obessive towards him. He blamed himself that he can't protect himself before.

"What have I done? If only I could protect myself before..."

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