Chapter one

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I could hear noises around me but I couldn't see anything, I felt like I was floating though but my feet were touching something solid beneath me, I was breathing yet I was submerged into water.... " Grandfather.... Umm what exactly is this creature?" A female voice was heard in front of me it was the only voice I could make out clearly the other ones seem so distant now but then a man who sounded way older spoke in response.
" He's a hedgehog... we think... he's the only one so far of his kind being a hybrid mixed with Black arm DNA. As for a name just been calling him Project Shadow. He's to be a companion for you and also a key element to make a cure for you, I'm hoping to of created a living cure for you, Maria."

Maria was this the girls name? I wondered.
" Huh how so?" She then asked the man
" well you see, a hedgehog has these individual quills, I'm hoping within time the quills on this creature will be able to withhold the cure to your NIDS, You see a hedgehog's quills are made of keratin which is the same as our hair." The man went on and on about how I could be a cure it was all kinda boring to me so I shut it out by falling back asleep next time I woke up there was a gentle tap this time though I opened my eyes and saw a girl staring at me palm in front of me, I hesitated looking down and then back at her before raising my hand and raising it up to the glass as though we were touching hands.
" I can't wait to meet you, Shadow." She then spoke. Everything after that was a blur I don't remember being let out of the tank much but since free Maria and I had been inseparable even when I had to go in for a daily routine at the lab to make sure everything was going smoothly, Maria would always be right there beside me.

All that had changed though when they arrived.... Things went wrong horribly wrong.... You never forget the screams, the words being shouted,alarms blaring as the heavy footsteps against steel panels echoing, sprinting only to be met with regret, closed off from her, banging on glass as hard as I could but no breaks or cracks formed no matter how hard I tried as she fell after a bang was heard echoing in my mind once more before being launched away from the terrors, no embrace by the world below, no love or care I once knew only fear and blame... everything went black before the crash...
Who was I now? Everything I once knew was taken away I wasn't who I was, longing for the golden years on being with them again but no wish was granted for me, constantly fighting for my life but for what reason? I don't have a purpose but why do I still have a will to live despite the tragedies and devastation having to deal with everything each day since I awoke fifty years later?
Being the Ultimate life form is more of a curse than what it's worth... brought nothing but sorrow due to the fear it brought others....

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