Chapter 16

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The sky was a deep red, like blood dark clouds were circulating in a vortex in the distance seemed a tornado had touched down. But looking around I could see what looked like creatures falling down from the sky from the vortex, this wasn't a tornado at all.

" I ran ahead already only to get a car tossed toward me, those creatures are huge and strong, another crushed a truck after landing before I ran back to tell you, the city ahead was already full of them." Sonic didn't seem to be afraid he just seemed to be stirred and itching to fight unlike me I just wanted to go back to the room and not join in on the fight knowing I was to stay hidden I'd be lying if a part of me wanted to fight but my fears were speaking louder than the side of me that wanted to save this world despite being feared by others and almost being killed.
I decided to go back into the house guessing I should help Sonic, I decided to go in and grab my only possession first, the drive Tails made for me, I tied a string to it and put it on, wearing it as a necklace. The string wasn't exactly a normal piece of string it was strong and I felt it would hold so I wouldn't be able to lose the drive easily it wasn't something I wanted to happen it was the only thing I had from the ark. I went back to Sonic guessing it was my duty to help aide him on protecting this world despite it rejecting me multiple times but as I was heading back I stopped outside before reaching the blue hedgehog, stopping after I heard a voice inside my mind, not my own it was the same one from before.
" Shadow... the day of reckoning has come, it is time for you to do as you were created for." I didn't understand this but the voice was interrupted as Sonic ran over.
" you ok?" He asked but I ignored him and walked on ahead.
" let's just get this over with quickly before I'm seen..." I then ran ahead but I was still confused about my purpose of being created, at least I wasn't injured I could run and use my abilities but still I wanted to hide, knowing GUN they wouldn't stop until they found me I knew they'd find evidence when they arrived on the ark  back after I was healed. They probably already knew I was with Sonic by now since they probably found out about Tails and him being on the ark, I didn't doubt they would go to Tails for questioning....

Sonic caught up to me as we headed for the city like Sonic had said it was bad, lot of destruction had been done seemed GUN may have their hands tied so I wouldn't need to worry on them getting a hold of me or so I thought.  Little did I know...
Almost right away we ran into one of the creatures, hurdling cars, people were running and screaming, nothing I wasn't used to, well sort of with Egg man using machines to try and take control of the world you get used to stuff like this usually it wasn't me fighting off Egg man that was Sonic's thing I only get involved if it concerns me but normally I leave it to Sonic and his friends. 

I lost track of Sonic eventually after taking through alley ways while he attacked the creature feeling like I shouldn't get involved but then I ran into something while lost in the alleyway keeping clear of any humans in the process still terrified of GUN also I just didn't want to be seen but I ran into a starfish looking creature with one eye.
" Oh finally you showed up." The creature spoke though it didn't have a mouth I braced for a fight but only to get surrounded by creatures blocking my exits around me, I was about to use chaos blast on them but then one put a clawed hand on my shoulder, " we are not your enemy" these creatures spoke in a different language not one from this world but I was able to understand somehow. " are you sure this is the right being?" I heard a creature ask from behind then I  felt a claw trace over the scar on my back as  the starfish creature noticed the drive tied on my neck by the string but before the starfish could do anything,  I slapped a the hand that was on my shoulder hard.
" Don't touch me!" I growled as the clawed hand that traced the mark on my back to pull away before feeling pain.. something had wrapped around my stomach and back tightly, I couldn't breathe I looked down only to see a tail was wrapped around me before I was shoved to the ground hard, coughing and trying to gain air.
" Is that anyway to treat your family? "
He appeared in front of me, Black doom, he seemed to be  furious.

"I have no family...." He didn't seem amused by this neither were the creatures around me. I knew nothing about Black Doom other than seeing him in a few of the videos I knew his name but nothing else. He then put a hand on my head, causing a deep growl to escape but then silence something happened when he did this causing me to black out as if I were in a dream like state. " You know what to do, wipe out the world, destroy anyone who gets in your way." I was under his control, Black doom somehow was able to cloud my mind and do some kind of mind control over me, the circle broke apart each creature went their separate ways as for me the starfish creature decided to follow behind me, keeping a literal eye on me as I was controlled most likely making sure I wouldn't break free from it, my mind was in a vulnerable place with everything that had went on seemed Doom knew this and so he manipulated my mind into doing what he wanted, this was why he helped Gerald, he was planning this attack for so long it seemed.
I was just a pawn in this game of his he didn't really care about me, I parted ways and ran off out of the alleyway eventually I came across some people, GUN soldiers, they were attacking a creature, they noticed me as I approached I couldn't do anything as my body continued to walk toward them only thing I could do was watch my mind wasn't my own as I then attacked the soldiers protecting the creature that they were shooting at.

With the soldiers knocked down and unconscious I continued onward without stopping I continued to knock out GUN soldiers, in this state I was in it was almost like sleeping walking except I was awake and aware of what was happening.
" Stop trying to take control" I heard the starfish say after a while,  still floating behind me seemed it knew I was trying to gain myself back I wasn't sure why I was trying so hard to stop myself from carrying out what Doom intended.  I had no idea what the goal was for Doom and these creatures no idea where I was going either.
Eventually there were no more GUN soldiers in the area my body was forced to pick up the one I had knocked out by using a homing attack, trying to regain myself again only to fail a stronger force put me into silence still.
Carrying the human was easy I had no idea where I was going but seemed my legs knew the way, town square was where  I met up with the other creatures, so many of them... piling unconscious bodies in the middle of town no one was dead at the time telling by the fidgeting. Some awoke dazed and confused as they were being tossed into the pile creatures stood around it guarding them they caught the ones that tried to run and tossed them back hard. I couldn't help but to wonder if Sonic and his friends were ok I didn't see any of them around here but something told me they were being held hostage like these people.

" is he ready to be free?" I heard one creature ask Doom after I placed the unconscious soldier down in the middle of the pile.

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