Chapter 3

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My first few days were a well known routine, I'd wake in the lab where the scientists would do experiments mostly to make sure I was in no condition like the other creatures Gerald had created at the time it was unknown as to why they'd do this certain routine, they made sure to document everything though like if I twitched during sleep or rolled over, they'd always ask if I were in any pain after I woke, then were the blood tests which I hated more than any other test I just didn't like the pinching feeling it didn't help to turn away either, I don't remember how long the tests were or how many but afterwards I was sent to find Maria. Eventually my daily routine changed as I was able to spend all day with Maria I was given my own room sure it was small but it was nice it beat sleeping in a pod in the lab.  Everything was falling into place I had a family and everything was nice but still I found my self always staring out a certain window one that had a view of a planet known as Earth something about it drew my attention, it was the place where Maria really wanted to go, something was keeping her on this space station something I didn't quite understand she was ill somehow being here in space slowed down her sickness it wasn't exactly clear to me but seemed it was keeping her from a normal life all I ever wanted was to make her happy I could tell she wasn't up here on the ark but she kept it to herself never telling Gerald how she really felt most likely she just wanted him to be happy she didn't want to worry him but it was clear to him she wanted to visit the planet below us, Gerald made a promise once Maria was better, once he found a cure that is, we would all go there....  Plans were set in motion Gerald worked extra hard but there were spies on that ark, ones that were working with some people eventually everything collapsed...
That fateful morning where I encountered these people lead to disaster.....

The morning was just like any other Maria would find me at the large  window I stared at my reflection wandering what it would be like to be on the planet below lost in my thoughts but then a tap on my shoulder caused me to look back, I gave a small smile after seeing that it was Maria behind me. " Are you going to stare out that window all day?" She'd ask

" I was just thinking once you are cured... do you think others would accept me?"
Maria looked at me and smiled.
" I'm sure they would." She walked away after sometime I still wasn't too sure about it but I supposed she was right. Not long after she left the alarms went off intruders were here...
I don't remember everything that had occurred aside from running to find Maria and GUN soldiers chasing me to a dead end before I lost them due to teleporting away, I found Maria at the lab's door spying on her grandfather who was talking to GUN soldiers at the time...I took off after my eyes met Maria's, she  still held my hand as  two soldiers came around a corner behind us, Maria wasn't able to keep up with my speed though she trailed behind but I didn't let go until we reached the escape pods.... This was the last time I ever saw her, she was shot right as I got into one of the pods she let go  of my hand I as I went in the door sealed behind me i don't know why she let go of me I did my best to try and break myself out but it was already too late, with the last of her strength she pulled a lever as another gun shot was heard... I'll never be able to get the image out of my mind the pained expression as she uttered her final words...  I can't bear to say them here.... I was reunited with Gerald sometime later I barely recognized the man who created me though, I was found not long after crashing to the ground  I was injured after crashing, the pod shattered but I was intact.... I couldn't move I passed out but awoke when bright lights approached me, I don't remember seeing anyone's face though as I was carried away from the wreckage, I just remember my whole body ached glass shards were embedded in my fur, quills, and skin. " He's lucky to be alive " I heard one person say before I fell unconscious again next thing I knew I was in bandages curled up in Gerald's lap in a cell in a place called Prison island... I remember feeling fearful on what was to come I didn't like it there not one bit feeling powerless...
I was eventually left alone one night Gerald didn't return to the cell not even the next morning, by then I had recovered from the crash I knew Gerald was plotting a revenge scheme telling by what he wrote on one wall of our cell, seemed the other humans found out too I couldn't protect him, I was put into isolation after Gerald was executed.... Before I was put into isolation I was taken to a grave site, it was Gerald's I don't understand why I was taken there but I remember feeling uneasy also a mix of emotions. I don't exactly recall much else before being put into the isolation pod... everything else is still a blur.... I felt I lost everything the day Maria died, Gerald wasn't the same when I was reunited with him... I think I was also experimented on as well by the GUN scientists before being locked away I don't remember much though so I can't say for sure on what had occurred... I had no connections after being asleep for years, no interaction just sleep in a pod, hours turned to months, months turned to years.. the pod I was in was aging yet I still stayed the same, no one knew of my location buried in the lowest level of Prison island, surrounded by Gun agents on the other floors but none came down to my level, alone to rot as fifty years had passed.... Until one fateful day I was released from my sleep, it didn't feel like years had passed at first as the steam cleared after my pod opened, I stumbled out of it, I was fine though but not mentally physically yes I was fine, I didn't have any injuries not a single scratch but mentally and emotionally damaged as everything flooded back, a man approached me, I looked up at him as he stood in front of me. Due to being isolated and asleep for years, my body never aged I still looked  roughly fifteen .
" Shadow is that really you?" He then asked I didn't recognize this man but I just gave a nod, turned out this was Gerald's grandson that I was face to face with.

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