Chapter 36

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Tails brought over a plate of food warmed up by now " Sorry for my reaction earlier I don't know what came over me but... something came up while I was going over your data. We'll discuss it after we eat I need more time to see if it's a danger." Tails still seemed nervous probably didn't fully understand my intentions I wasn't exactly kind to him orSonic in the past so it makes sense why he's be acting this way.

Tails went back to the kitchen in a hurry Sonic was also confused by what was going on with the young fox he just sighed. 
" oh umm you can eat Shadow I guess I had forgotten." I was looking at the food thinking on what Tails said just confused when Sonic gave me permission. It was messy sauce and beef dripped out of the soft shell of the chalupa as I bit into it, I didn't mind though I was pretty hungry I devoured the meal quickly without a care it was ok reheated I probably would've liked it more if it were freshly made but it's what I get for not eating it in the first place when it was hot and ready I hate GUN for making me think this way or even being the way I am.

I often wonder what my life would've been like if the raid never occurred would Maria of been cured and been allowed to live here like we dreamt about? She never got that chance she sacrificed herself in order to get me off the ark... Gerald lost his mind in the end... despite having a grandson on Earth his life was spent on the ark trying to cure Egg man's cousin,  Egg man never got to know Maria but he was able to visit Gerald at times only when I wasn't there.... GUN kept recordings of when they met but  I never bothered to listen Gerald loved Egg man but saving Maria was all he wanted to do so the two could unite with the other members of the family but I don't think Egg man would understand since Gerald may of seemed like he cared more about Maria than his grandson... It isn't like I'd go and talk to him even Egg man had done things to me. 

Sonic dragged me to the kitchen once the food was gone Tails had an empty plate next to him as he was messing with the tablet again.

" Well now that you both are here... I think GUN activated a kill code into a chip on Shadow when they last got to him... I think it's some kind of a kill code, I'm not exactly sure what it does yet but if doesn't look good there's a ton of coding into it though... I think this might've also been how your memory was tampered with in the past with the revenge scheme."

Sonic stayed by me as Tails explained the chip, this was new to me. " Part of you is robotic this chip is located near where your heart is, this isn't something GUN should have a hold of this could control you or even destroy you I can't destroy the chip but I can try and prevent GUN from accessing it seems like they have already have... this chip has been placed there since your creation by the look of it..."
I didn't think it was from my last encounter with them being put into prison that time but it did seem off why I'd be brought back to the island unless GUN needed time and had a plan under containment while they secretly put coding into me from a distance they may of needed me to be close by in order to put coding in. Tails's tablet made a noise after Tails typed something into it.
" these are the recent codes that are in... it'll take me time to see what they are though I need to go back to the lab for that though my tablet can only do so much. If anything comes up as bad I'll let you two know." With that he grabbed the device and made his way back to the door going downstairs. Sonic turned away unsure how to process everything Tails had said I knew this was bad if there were a kill code put in I could really die at any time there wasn't going to be a way to prevent it all they have to do is push a button or type in something and......
I didn't want to think of it... sighing I walked over to the nearest window usually this was a stress relief reminding me of the ark pulling the blinds up only to get a view of the yard, trees and grass no fence around here this was the out skirts of the city in the far distance were hills and mountains beyond the small scrapers and buildings.
Seems like Tails' home was far from the city but Sonic lived out there both had to travel a ways to see one another.  Sonic approached after a while.
" Do you want to talk about it? " he then asked I could see his reflection behind mine.
" Not really...  But I will say this, Tails doesn't seem to fully know what they put in...  if it is a kill code nothing matters.... I know if the chip on me gets tampered with further it could get a virus or worse... it could be my life line not just where part of my memory is stored... Gerald made it only he knew how it works he didn't seem to of kept research on it... I did read the stuff Tails put on the disk drive but he never mentioned anything on a chip though maybe he put it into the plans, or diagram when he was creating the structure....
I never turned to look at him I kept my glance on his reflection, my creation was very complicated to explain but seems even I didn't have a full grasp of that knowledge, my creation wasn't something Sonic could fully understand his mind was wondering blankly starting out the window as well after I had spoke, even I were a mystery to myself.  " I wasn't born like you even I don't fully understand how I came into this world it's always been something I've questioned.... All those times I stood by the window on the ark I'd question everything on my project silently, but it would often catch Maria's attention seeing me by the window so much I never told her what I was actually thinking about  mainly I spoke about this world or about traveling here...  I didn't want her to think that I... I was.... " I couldn't find the words  Sonic put a hand on my shoulder causing me to look at him instead of his reflection.
" it's ok I get it." I didn't feel like shaking his hand off or shoving him away he was only trying to comfort me and it was working.  We both decided to look out the window in silence as Tails was downstairs neither of us went to check on him, his research was important for my safety.

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