Chapter 32

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Being alone though was better, at least some things were different here than what they used to be like, this time I wasn't taken to any labs, the food here was better at least nothing fancy but still better than the stuff I had at GUN but I still waited for permission like usual... they'd bring the food through a small opening in the bars for a tray of food to slip through they wouldn't say anything I didn't touch it even after the guard left time passed but whoever was watching the security footage noticed I was just staring at the meal then a voiced boomed from the camera " well are you going to eat?" The man asked I looked up confused at first " I was waiting for permission.." it was embarrassing but it was a habit that still wouldn't break I know I ate before without it still I regretted not doing so. " you have permission then" the man then said.

I ended having to move to a different cell though after eating the meal due to the hole in the wall that  I had caused, it got tiring though being locked in with nothing to do, there were hardly anyone here still I played by the rules not wanting to cause more trouble but boredom got the best of me I looked around trying to think of something then I saw that this cell had a piece of  white chalk instead of a charcoal pencil.  I decided to draw on the floor of the cell, I knew it wouldn't last forever but at least it was something, I had my gloves off as I drew staining my paws with white not caring at the time my gloves were set on my bed nicely still the  gold rings stayed on me the ones that limits my energy so I don't go overboard.
I hadn't realized at the time until I finished my drawing, I had drawn Maria...  I knew if the guards saw this they wouldn't be happy about it the chalk was mainly used to count up the days I had been in here, so far it had only been one.  I went to the bathroom to get some water on some toilet paper before cleaning up what I had done, it took sometime but I had cleaned it up without anyone noticing or maybe they didn't care since there was still a camera watching me from the new cell I was in or something else was going on. I curled up on the bed after washing the chalk off of my paw pads, I didn't feel like putting the gloves back on just yet staring at the fabric Sonic had sewn on to them missing my home unsure if I'd go back there.... Regret filled my mind again, I couldn't save Maria but at least she didn't have to live through this with me, the dreams we wanted desperately were destroyed I wasn't welcome here and neither was she or Gerald not even the scientists were given a chance, my damn project was what lead to this....

The chalk laid on the ground beside me but my drawing was gone just water remained drying now, it shouldn't take long to dry I thought hoping that security didn't see what I had done but I knew they most likely saw but didn't care hopefully...  But I didn't hear anything for a long time nothing was heard but then  part of the roof of the place was ripped off easily almost like a bandaid, a ship was floating overhead a symbol on the side was my only glimpse on who's  air ship this was, Egg man's... a rope ladder fell quickly near where I was this was the last person I'd want to be saved by but I stood up deciding to grab it and climb up it was very wobbly the ship was firing at some other ships as I climbed, the others were the guards trying to keep me from leaving I almost lost my grip being shot at from below by guards that rushed into the cell room gripping the rope tight and trying to not make a wrong move wasn't easy especially with the wind and shots being fired I  eventually made it half way  but I couldn't go any further as the ship turned to take aim at a ship  coming to award it, holding on for dear life unsure as to why I try I kept hold of the rope part of the ladder was breaking though part of the bottom already had due to the guards trying to follow behind me the rope couldn't hold their weight and the rope snapped causing them to fall to the ground, a robot came over to help me onto the air craft, it extended an arm I instinctively grabbed the hand and it was able to get me on board safely holding onto a railing on the side as the air craft swerved to take its leave i again held on for dear life closing my eyes once it was safe no severe wind I looked up to see different robots running around it was like being at a circus some were filling cannons with canon balls others were juggling what looked to be unlit bombs while balancing on a ball seems I wasn't a threat to them I was able to pass by without an attack I made my way looking for the doctor it wasn't like him to do this then again he had saved me once but as I wondered the ship but something drove me to a certain room, it was dark no light but I felt like something was off about it curiosity had taken a toll despite something in my mind saying don't go in there, I went in, nothing lit the room up it was dark it was like walking into a hallway there was some light as I had come across a turn flaming candles lit up the walls they weren't real if they were the air ship probably would've caught fire but an explosion below me rocked the ship, I was guessing it had been hit by an attack  but whatever it was knocked into a wall as Egg man steered the ship swerving it in the direction he wanted I could still hear a battle going on I wanted nothing to do with it, I sat up hurt but I had knocked one of the candles down when I had hit the wall, I picked it up, blood was smeared on it, my own I felt the sting on my back from where I had hit it but it didn't matter I still stood holding the fake  candle it still flickered, ahead was another dark room no light I walked in still the fight went on but once I entered the room I couldn't hear anything outside this area seemed to be sound proof. The candle didn't light up the whole room though only I was illuminated by the glow I took a step closer to the middle of the room that was when the eyes showed within the darkness, red glowing eyes of Egg man's robots, something was different about their glow though...  taking two steps back before one of them appeared behind me knocking the candle out of my hand.  I only saw a glimpse of the robot before the candle fell from my grasp... this one looked exactly like me but it's stripes were a bright orange color.   The candle slid a couple feet away the glow was out of reach another decided to step on it breaking it into pieces with its metallic foot, they came toward me red eyes glowing in the darkness, I had  no choice but to fight.

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