Chapter 17

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" absolutely not, we still need him " Doom then said I stood ahead of the creatures, blankly staring ahead i could hear everything around me a long with feel, the sky was still dark overhead, I couldn't tell what time it was, everything was still aside from the clouds circling ominously, everything around me seemed dark it was cold but then I heard a creature approach from behind me reaching out to touch my back I sensed it, only thing I could do was muster up a growl unable to take full control over myself but this was all I could do. Then I was surrounded again " seems he broke control " one said another seemed enraged by the growl they lifted a clawed hand in front of me, about to slash my face, a weight had been lifted off my mind right then I was in control as the hand made contact I jerked away claws scratched deep on the side of my face missing my right eye, it stung but I've dealt with worse pain, three claws had dug through my short fur piercing the skin, deep but not like the injury I had on my back.
I looked back at Doom before rubbing the blood away smearing it on my gloved hand in the process unsure as to why he didn't stop the creature from doing that.
" Disobedient little hedgehog, stop trying to break my control, I won't think twice on having them all attack you next time you break free." Doom yelled in my ear his eyes were silts my  ears backward as he backed away but I wouldn't allow him to take control over me again. Doom looked down at me before reaching a hand out tugging  on the drive  bringing me forward I showed no fear toward him though, I didn't exactly fear the others around me either.
" What is this thing around your neck?" Doom then asked holding the drive up with a claw, fear then showed on my face eyes wide, ears perked afraid he'd break it. Doom seemed to notice it had an effect on me but then I felt a claw trace over the mark on my back.
" The only thing I have left from my time on the ark." I blurted out not caring, I wasn't liking the feeling by the clawed hands on my back I hated being touched.
Doom let the drive go still tied to me not exactly the response I was expecting. The claw continued to trace over the mark, not enjoying being touched still I sensed curiosity by the monster behind me. " Didn't think he could get scars, you said this was the ultimate life form right?" It asked Doom using their native tone which was mainly grunts and low growling but I was able to understand them somehow.
The creature continued but now it's claws were circling the mark, Doom didn't seem to of noticed it before but he grew curious the hand moved away just as Doom grabbed my shoulders and had me turn around to face the creatures, I didn't realize before but they all had the same markings as me, the black with the red stripes, they didn't have fur only scales, all different sizes, but Doom was just as curious as the black arms that had taken notice of the scar, seeing the  large mark even he traced it with his clawed hand.
" that is strange... what exactly happened to cause such a thing? Normally you'd be healed by a simple scratch like the one that was on your face a minute ago. " he then added seemed it surprised him that I could get scars, just the one was all I knew since my time with GUN nothing else left a permanent mark before not until now.... I didn't respond as he looked at the mark then I felt the weight again on my mind and the flashbacks occurred again.....

Doom somehow got into my memories once again only this time was different this one I was blind folded unsure on what was going on but somehow Doom made it possible to see the room where I was, we could see what the man did every detail... The injury to my back was the worst of it but he did more than that... once the flash back ended Doom stood away from me, I could see the horror in his eyes, he was shocked at what I had been through.

" What happened?" I heard one of the creatures say from behind me.

" It doesn't matter... Shadow isn't one of us, he'll be treated as a prisoner." Doom then said. But then Gun shots were heard firing nearby interrupting the crowd as some creatures fell with a thud, the crowd around me braced themselves as they were being under attack, while the creatures were distracted, I took my leave vanishing away in a flash using chaos snap. I ended up on a rooftop before sitting down to breathe, hiding behind a chimney, feeling more uneasy as Gun shots were heard, I knew it had to be them....GUN....
I wasn't safe here in the city with the creatures and GUN... all i could do was sit and try and regain myself after what Doom did... Being immortal is a curse really... being titled as The ultimate life form though isn't exactly anything special either.... I curled up  unsure on what to do in order to keep from slipping both hands  gripped a panel of the roof, I wasn't curled up all the way but at least if any  GUN helicopters flew over they would probably not notice me, at least I hoped.
I didn't have anywhere to go to.  Everything was falling apart around me and I couldn't do anything to stop it that was how it felt. Staying on the roof wasn't exactly a good idea with two sides against me, the city was no place for me, no weapon to defend myself with other than my powers but even with that I'm limited. Chaos energy takes time to rebuild once I lose so much of it, not that using chaos snap was bad that move takes little energy but as for something like chaos blast or chaos spear, those take more energy, with snap I'm limited on areas to go to unless I'm on the ark being there makes it easier to get anywhere on Earth but here I'm limited to close by areas.  

I eventually heard shouts heading toward my location, staying still and silent was all I could do though my spine got chills from the cold air but then something landed on the roof, ticking I didn't have time to jump off as an explosion occurred tossed in the air, still alive somehow, curled up completely before knocking myself away using homing attack, landing away from the building only to be in front of one of the creatures.  Uncurled now, panting slightly. This creature was huge, a cloud from the destruction of the home where I once hid was now was reduced to a pile of wood and smoke with some ash reminding me when GUN raided the ark trying to destroy any evidence.

The creature loomed over me trying to intimidate me, this one was huge, muscular, it looked like it could rip a truck in half with one swift karate chop.
I had to fight, I didn't want to be taken as a prisoner by them. Bracing myself before lunging toward it. It grabbed me before I could get a hit on it, slamming me down to the pavement hard before letting go of my abdomen.

A dose of adrenaline coursed through me despite being knocked in the pavement I turned around before yelling " Chaos Spear!"
I'm a flash green crystals made up from my energy lit up the area I was in, for a split second through their glow I could see GUN soldiers ahead, the smoke was covering me and the creature but the spears glowed bright that i could see through it.... They were all turned toward where me and the creature were..... this was my wrong doing.  Once the creature was down I turned to leave not checking if the creature was breathing or not this area wasn't safe.... Nowhere was it seemed, even as i turned to leave GUN had me surrounded. My shout and the light from my attack was what gave away my position.

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