Chapter 5

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Created as the Ultimate Lifeform, created to protect humanity... but humanity is harsh.... harsh and unfair....
Why bother with them? I wondered to myself as I got ready to leave for my mission at GUN, an answer I had yet to find.... I glanced around the ark as though this would be the last time I saw it, some missions lasted months or days, this was my home the only one I ever knew. I wasn't sure how long it would be before I came back, this was a habit though, since everything that occurred in my life if I ever thought I'd be away from my home for a long time I'd walk around trying to remember every detail of the place for whenever I got home sick during my time with GUN. I guess I was just afraid of not returning or losing my memory again that I developed this habit or it was due to the raid... My last stop was at the window, my favorite one out of all of them, it was Maria's too since Earth was visible all of it, the stars and the sky, this was my favorite view since the sky was a lot of different colors it isn't pitch black with small specks of light, it was more of a dark blue mixed with purple, pink and some traces of black and red. The stars were bright too.

I sighed before touching the window frame before whispering to myself " I will do my best, for you Maria." I then turned away before teleporting to GUN's HQ. From the ark I could almost appear anywhere but on Earth it's difficult due to my energy. I couldn't teleport to long distances on Earth something about the ark made it possible though that i could travel from there anywhere here it's hard to explain so I'll keep it brief.

As I made my way to the doors a reoccurring thought came to mind, " They aren't sending you on a mission, you're walking into a trap." I ignored the thought it was normal for me to have intrusive thoughts but not ones like this, I shook the thought away as I opened the door and walked inside. Something in the air felt off though, I could feel my ears twitch, I wasn't sure why I had an unsettling feeling as I walked down the corridor passed the front desk... everyone here always treated me differently ever since I started working here, this place wasn't home... only ones here I trusted was Rouge and Omega.  I passed by several doors, my feelings continued to rise with each doorway I passed as I drew near the commander's office. It's been clear to me that he hated me, I stopped as I reached for the door. I jerked back after a minute of being frozen.... I wasn't sure why but i just had this feeling of unease, shivers went down my spine as I heard the footsteps heading for the door it was too late to run  besides I had just got there I couldn't leave GUN anyways...the commander opened the door.

" Oh it's you, it isn't like you to be late." He said with a sneer, i couldn't talk back though, I just gave him a solute before he granted me access to walk into the room.  Usually if the others were late he'd let them off with a warning but apparently being deemed as the ultimate life form didn't give me that privilege,  as a living weapon I'm only to follow orders, these guys keep a tight leash on me ever since I joined. It wasn't my idea I never would've given the past experiences and trauma they caused... continuing to do so even now. I doubt they'll ever change at this point. Since the raid my life if I could even call it that has been a living hell, living with myself is all I have. I barely remember who I was before all of this but I wasn't always like this, it's funny how things can change in a flash or even in a blink of an eye.

When I arrived at GUN though it didn't come as a surprise as I had to check into the lab, it wasn't exactly a mission though seemed they knew I hated labs despite being created in one that one though wasn't scary but this one at GUN is, I barely know anyone and most of these guys only wanted one thing and that was to watch me suffer it felt that way... the scientists back on the ark didn't actually have an intention on doing harm if they did they'd usually apologize but here it's different, that is why I hate labs outside of the ark mainly the one at GUN, most of the procedures are to make sure my power hasn't grown too powerful these guys already feared me enough I actually held back my power level when doing this it was a trick I taught my self, I had to concentrate on relaxing my entire body to keep my chaos energy low it wasn't easy it took some training and skill but I managed, thing is they usually have me take my rings off for this so it was really difficult to control my power level without the rings.  Gerald built the rings so I could have better control over my power so my chaos energy doesn't end up controlling me like it had done to the biolizard who lost control and had to be isolated Gerald didn't want the same happening to me.

But I didn't have to worry on being sent to the lab for testing this time, oh no not this time, instead something more sinister, the commander decided to call in two other soldiers to escort me to some kind of room, one I didn't think they had never once heard of it and never seen it for myself then again I never went down to the last level of the base due to believing that my pod would be the only thing down there the one I may be sent back to for being put back into isolation...asleep for years...
I didn't have a choice when the soldiers arrived I couldn't fight back not with these guys. They had so much control over me I couldn't protect myself against them I just let them lead me to the chambers. Afraid on what was awaiting me as we took lift after lift, hallway after endless hallway until we made our way to a dimly lit hall, being led down deeper to a doorway. I thought this was it they were going to knock me out and shove me back into that damn pod.... From there everything happened so fast, pulled into a dark room, I couldn't see but I had this feeling that my pod wasn't there but something far worse was there with me. I could hear chains rattling before feeling something cold being put around my neck, arms and legs. I could move still but I couldn't go very far. I wasn't ready for what happened next....

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