Chapter 34

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Tails then got a call through the tablet he answered it quickly
" Hi Sonic, need something?"
He asked before the screen showed a giant robot " yeah we could use help on this thing. " he replied before the video cut out. Tails turned to me, "you should stay here." I  nodded before I stood up  despite shivering and feeling some chest pains just so he could get up and join his friends my injuries were healed but I didn't have the energy to fight and my mouth was dry, I may of been healed physically but not mentally, feeling really tired but also too anxious to sleep with everything going on this wasn't a safe spot for sleep...once Tails stood,  I sat back leaning against the wall as the young fox turned to join Knuckles and Sonic. 
Minutes passed as I sat alone trying to stay awake knowing it wasn't safe to try and get that kind of rest I couldn't see a doctor though for this medication has no effect I can't take pills due to me being made to be a cure... Scraps of metal were on the floor away from where I was, eventually an explosion occurred further away not long afterwards Sonic, Knuckles and Tails ran toward me, Tails flew,  Sonic ran to me and helped me up I had a feeling the  whole place was about to explode, I ran out with them like my prediction once we were a couple feet away once outside that was when it blew up.
"Egg man got away again." Knuckles sighed disappointed
" at least we have Shadow back though." Sonic replied not caring about Egg man getting away, Knuckles didn't seem too happy about what Sonic said though letting out a grunt before turning toward me.  Tails landed on the ground and stood beside me as Sonic and Knuckles bickered a bit I paid no attention to them, I walked over to a tree and sat down the  smoke from Egg man's facility was starting to clear blowing away from where we were due to the breeze.
Tails had followed me, I didn't mind it though I was busy looking at the building that was once there watching the smoke dance against the breeze still not feeling like myself my chest still hurt. Sonic and Knuckles joined us after sometime Tails sighed "well we should probably get going. " Knuckles nodded in agreement " right I should get back to my island."

Knuckles decided to head off alone Sonic and Tails didn't try to stop him, but I had nowhere to go I wasn't sure if going back to Sonic's was a good idea GUN most likely knew I had escaped from prison island with Egg man's help then again if they think the doctor took me then that would keep them off Sonic but I didn't want to risk it but I ended up going with Tails instead.

He was still concerned about me though due to how he found me in that place, we walked in silence he didn't fly this time he stayed right beside me the whole way back to his workshop he didn't bring the Tornado so we had quite a walk, Tails decided to stop somewhere for food and drinks, normally I'd get a chaos cola but I needed water bad, I chugged the water after receiving it,  we sat at a table waiting for our food, Tails was checking the device I wasn't sure on what he was doing on it but I didn't ask though I was curious he looked up. " everything ok? " he then asked
" yeah just wandering what you were doing " he smiled before showing me his gadget screen " just playing a game I made a few on here mainly to pass time" he showed me a few before our food was ready, chili dogs and onion rings he brought me another water when he got the food. He didn't want me to help him though he just wanted me to relax. " When we get to my place I'm going to try and work on something for you, these attacks seem to be getting worse. "
I wasn't so sure if I could be helped medication wouldn't be effective on me then again Tails was known to make gadgets.

I waited for permission to eat though still  I had forgotten to do so before chugging the water earlier but my second one I decided to wait feeling bad I had forgotten to do so but Tails was understanding when it came to this sort of thing the food wasn't bad just decent.  Tails decided to run a scan on me after he finished eating thinking it would help him on creating something for me. I wasn't so sure I could be helped at this point but I wasn't against him trying at least but I didn't think I could  be helped, been through so much yet stuff from my past was still triggering something..... Once we arrived to our destination, Tails let me crash on the couch at least now I could actually rest up and feel somewhat safe while Tails went to the garage to work on something.  Still sleep didn't come right away I curled up trying to get comfortable then starred at the cuffs of the gloves Sonic made for me reminding me of my home I took off my shoes leaving them beside the couch before taking my gloves off setting them on the side table next to me before clutching the couch pillow keeping it under my head before closing my eyes to try and sleep.

Tails worked at his bench but he eventually grew tired and passed out using his arms as a pillow he fell asleep at his table  something that occurred often he hardly slept in his room when he got ideas for projects he's helped Sonic many times with his gadgets he figured he could create something for Shadow. The dark hedgehog wouldn't be easy to help though but something seemed to of changed in him he wasn't exactly his normal self now he was starting to be a bit more open lately.

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