Chapter 24

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Sonic looked back at me ears perked.
" I had a lot of time to think it over if you ever asked.... It hurt seeing you like that something I wouldn't wish on anyone even my worst enemies, you didn't deserve that kind of end... I get I'm not a hero to you for doing that but I wasn't doing it to be such... I just wanted you to have a life you could be proud of, I just wanted you to have another chance, I get that your immortal but you could've actually died there, you're the ultimate life form but that doesn't mean that you're immune to everything."
Sonic seemed to care about me genuinely despite everything, being rivals before but now he started to seem more like a friend now, I was so hard on him but he seemed to of forgiven all of that or maybe something else he didn't seem like the type to hold a grudge, I still don't fully understand him. It was easier to befriend Rouge and Omega but some reason I always felt distant from Sonic and his friends. The jokes and childish antics, not taking things seriously but now things didn't seem so different, we were opposites but I lost the reason why I were rivals with him somehow after spending time with him.

Sonic's words had left me stunned it was true I didn't think it was very hero like when he saved me despite me not wanting it but now understanding his view, I fell silent again processing what he had said the headache now was starting to fade medication wouldn't work on me something about being made to be a cure for illness I guess is why medication doesn't work for me, I can get headaches, stomachaches and injuries but some things just don't affect me like they would others. Maybe I did have a purpose for being here after all but finding it won't be easy though I still felt Sonic was the true protector of this planet already I doubted that was for me, seemed Gerald thought that prophecy he saw in a cave was for me but turned out to be for another hedgehog.  It was time I found my own place rather than being someone else's shadow, seemed I was literally falling behind Sonic in his journey this whole time, now I needed a path to become my own person not standing in someone else's foot steps this was a hard choice but I couldn't stay here. It was time to move on now but how and where?

Sonic probably expected me to be angered by his words he awaited for something, ears drawn back, eyes tightly closed but nothing was said I had nothing for the longest time, he looked back at me puzzled ears still back but still I didn't have anything to say I wasn't angered though either, I didn't feel like fighting him as well, still trying to save up my energy though I felt a lot had returned as I was relaxing on the couch. Almost fully recharged on chaos energy now, Sonic was right though I wasn't immune to everything.

The azure hedgehog then got up and stretched from where he was sitting, he had a chair near the couch but he preferred to of sat on the floor near me, it didn't seem comfortable but he didn't seem to of minded it. He took the rag from me before going into the kitchen and re-soaking it in warm water before bringing it back rinsed and warm setting it gently on my forehead again before refilling my cup with more tea and honey and stirring it up with a spoon  before doing the same to his, setting the spoon down on a napkin the same one he used to stir the contents in my cup.
He seemed nervous though as he took care of me probably thinking I'd snap at him or something, but no.  I was starting to lose grip on that side of me, after everything that occurred I felt I could trust Sonic. 
I was starting to feel better now at least, holding to rag as I sat up to drink the tea, it wasn't hot just warm now since the kettle had been sitting out not getting heat anymore from the stove. The hedgehog's eyes shined with relief as I drank the tea forgetting about asking for permission, I doubted Sonic would be one to put poison in my drink I didn't think he would have it in him to do so.
Sonic decided to sit in the chair after finishing his tea before curling up, it was getting late and the azure was already fast asleep curled up on the chair like a cat.  After finishing my own cup I got up and wrapped the blanket he gave me on him so he'd be warm, I put the rag in the sink before going to the couch to try and get some sleep.

By morning my hands were feeling a bit strange I wasn't used to having my gloves off for a long period of time Sonic ended up giving me a pair of his before making breakfast I missed my own though I mostly missed the style of them it wasn't anything special but one of the scientists on the ark made them for me the mark on my hands kind of scared them it didn't match to Gerald's symbol for my project, the mark was black arm, those creatures I saw with Black Doom, Doom's  own mark.

Sonic noticed my expression as I stared at the plain white gloves he gave me.
" I can try and make them look like your old pair if you'd like." He offered with a smile before going back to the kitchen. I thought it over as Sonic continued to cook he soon brought over a plate with biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs on the side.
He went back to the kitchen to get his meal, like GUN taught me I awaited for the go ahead.
Sonic set his plate down on the coffee table on the other end.
" oh right you can eat now." He then said I gave a nod before eating the meal he always surprised me by what he made, he didn't seem to mind having me over again I never really understood him though I thought he feared me like everyone else did but he's always been kind toward me despite it all I admit I was cruel toward the azure hedgehog, I regret it now but it doesn't matter to me on why Sonic was being kind, seemed even Knuckles was a rival of his at one point in time tricked by Egg man.
Sonic doesn't seem to be holding any kind of grudge.

I finished all my meal before looking at Sonic, " I suppose I'll take you up on the offer, if you can get the gloves close to my old ones that would be really nice. Those other ones were made by a scientist on the ark. "
Sonic seemed to of gotten that the gloves meant a lot to me.
" I don't have full on black fabric I have starry sky or some space theme I don't remember what I was going to use it for but I do have a red similar."
It was better than nothing I supposed I never thought Sonic was a crafty person as in one who likes to sew.
" I suppose that'll work I don't need them to be exact just similar style."

Sonic took the plates to the sink and rinsed them before going to the couch pulling two blue quills that were stuck to a cushion he used one to poke a hole into the not sharp end of the quill before doing the same to the other one curiously watching as he did this I followed him to his bedroom where he got the supplies out to make the cuffs for my gloves.

I took them off and handed them to him before we both sat on his carpet floor, he began to cut the fabric before putting thread into the quill.

" you use your quills as a  sewing needle?" I was surprised by this his ears twitched but he didn't respond to this we sat in silence as he worked I never took my eyes off the quill as he worked on the cuffs, concentrating trying to not make a  single mistake as he did this procedure. He was very dedicated to doing a great job, determination was in his eyes as he stitched and stitched making sure he didn't accidentally close the glove as he continued with the fabric. Once the starry sky one was stitched completely to the cuff  of both gloves and cut correctly he moved onto the red his first quill wasn't as sharp now the tip was breaking so he moved onto the second quill, putting the thread in and tying it like he did before.
I stayed completely still as he stitched the red part above the knuckles just like my usual gloves, my mind wandered though curious as to what GUN wanted with my normal pair of gloves not that it mattered now.

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