Chapter 7

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I knew Sonic wasn't going to just give up on me though I've already given up on myself I just didn't want to continue on knowing I was just going to be treated the same way despite trying to put the person I was behind me trying to not be seen a villain but now I was here on the ark again the only place I felt safe though no one else is here but me....
Sonic left me on the floor not that I cared it was what I wanted but to my surprise he returned with a towel he proceeded to put it over me but I growled. " LEAVE!! "
I couldn't fight him but that did startle him I showed my fangs trying to seem threatening but he still put the towel over me. I didn't understand why Sonic was trying so hard I really didn't want to be helped or even saved  but I'll admit the towel did feel nice....
" Shadow can I at least try to make you feel comfortable? " Sonic then asked, I wasn't sure how to respond at least now he seemed to understand that I wasn't wanting help I guessed he could try I thought he was talking about my last moments but I was mistaken Sonic left to gather blankets. When I had teleported, I had ended up  next to Maria's favorite spot, she'd often spend hours looking at the planet below but I didn't dare to look out the window now... I just continued to lay on the floor curled up feeling cold and tired despite the aching.  Sonic returned and made a bed with the blankets before leaving to get a bucket of water and a wash cloth he ended up cleaning the mud, dry blood, and leaves off me. He stayed clear of the injury on my back though he did wipe around it gently,I could move a bit now once I was dry I moved to the blankets on my own and curled up laying against a pillow I didn't see Sonic bring it but it didn't matter finally I could relax.
Sonic put a blanket over me and left but he came back a short time later with Tails I stayed curled up but i could hear Sonic telling Tails the situation I was in. Tails lifted the blanket that I had over me to check out my injuries but I guess the injury on my back was too much for him he jumped back.
"Sonic... that isn't Shadow." I heard him say I looked back at them both
" What do you mean I'm not Shadow?" I asked crossed and angered.

Sonic decided to lift the blanket but seemed he noticed the same thing as Tails. Turned out I was one of the Androids that Egg man created a long time ago, could this be why GUN dumped me? They found out I was fake so they decided to see for themselves? Would the real Shadow come to destroy me if he was actually around or would these to destroy me now too?

" I don't know how I didn't notice that before, his spine is robotic but that doesn't mean he isn't Shadow, I mean Shadow was created so he may not have similar bone structure to us since he wasn't born." Sonic then said Tails though was skeptical still but he guessed that could also be the case but now I was confused I tried to get up on my own, real or fake i could still feel pain, I could also feel cold..I was in a lot of pain as I tried to move. I was also bleeding so that was a sign I was alive right? Great now I'm questioning my own existence again I ended up laying back down it hurt too much to stand.. I thought my back was in a state of shock and that's why I wasn't healing quickly but maybe I was an android....
I just curled up and put the blanket back over me covering my head as well not wanting to look at Sonic or Tails.
Both had watched me try to stand neither one tried to help not that it mattered anyway. I heard them both leave finally. I don't know when it hit but it did, I fell asleep as I was thinking and questioning myself again could I really be an android?
I was out for quite awhile, enough time for Sonic and Tails to do research on my project or at least attempt to, GUN tried erasing any trace of me only place I could think to look would be Gerald's old entries he used to keep track of me using a book in case others would fear me..
when I awoke I didn't hear anything I didn't see anyone either the blanket was off my face when I woke up I guessed I knocked it off, this time when I moved I felt no pain I noticed some of my injuries were healed but my back wasn't I could still feel pain there I still couldn't get up though my other injuries seemed to of healed.
I stayed in the makeshift bed of blankets boredom took over me but then I heard footsteps heading my way, I stayed where I was I didn't look up, fearing the worst that maybe it was the real Shadow or it was Sonic and Tails.
It was just Sonic... " Hey, so Tails found some stuff he feels bad about what he said sorry I doubted you too, turns out I was right. "
Sonic sat down near me before setting something down I looked at it, turned out they had found Gerald's book there was a picture of me and well there was also writing, more on how I was made and turned out I was different way different from mobians.. being created is a bit of a curse it's no wonder why my memory could be tampered with... I'll spare the details and such since I hardly even understand my own creation process.... I never tried to read about myself before i just assumed I was made like Frankenstein's monster but no it was a lot more of a process than that, getting Doom's blood was all I could understand from my creation process.  I wasn't like Frankenstein's creation I wasn't created like that...that's all I can say each detail is hard to explain even for the ultimate life form.
I just curled up put the blanket back over me no longer wanting to talk I just wanted to be alone. I was still hurt I just wanted it to end really....  My  left arm rested  on the open book I sighed before closing it and tossing it out of my blanket fort though it was really just a bed of blankets and a blanket over me, I hugged the pillow before falling asleep again it was the only comfort I had for the moment. Before I fell asleep i could hear someone softly flip the pages of the book I had tossed.

Silence was what I woke to still sore I peeked out of the blanket to see no one there finally peace at last. The ark was quiet aside from some creaks as it shifted with the gravitational pull of Earth something I was used to. I guessed I wouldn't be dying anytime soon.

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