Chapter 14

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Sonic though found his computer on a table in the living room, the USB drive Tails gave me was still inside of it his curiosity got a hold of him I stayed in the bedroom curled up on the bed.

I actually did leave something on the drive for him I knew I couldn't say everything on my experiences but I didn't think I'd ever show him it either.

Sonic decided to take a look at what the drive held he didn't dare to watch any of the videos though but he did find what Shadow had made for him in a document that read for Sonic.

Once he clicked on it he was met with his rival's words.
I knew I wouldn't be able to say everything here there's still some things I can't bring myself to type or even say out loud, these passed couple days though we're probably my better ones, you gave me a place to rest and feel comfortable though my silence and some of my actions were confusing to you like when I'm waiting for permission to eat or drink.

During my time with GUN I had to be ordered or I'd have to ask permission to eat, they wouldn't allow me to eat a whole lot of food though, they'd take the tray before I could finish at times not like the food was great.. Thank you though for not treating me like some experiment though I felt like they were testing me each time just to see what I'd do, even by working for them no one really trusted me other than Rouge and Omega. I don't really mean to be hard on you Sonic you've been kind toward me though I've been the opposite, I just don't know how to open up... My past though is still a mystery even to me... you most likely already know about the ark with Maria and Gerald a long with the other scientists, I lost them all...
It pains me to tell you about it, but I still remember the yells of the scientists before being killed due to a command that came from a walkie talkie " No witnesses, take Gerald hostage destroy the project." They were after me that day, deeming me as too dangerous to have around. The ark is still my home though despite the incident and horror I faced on that day... this is all I can type up... I've been through way more at GUN but I can't bring myself to punch the keys and type everything up... this is all I can say...

Sonic took a bit staring at the last of the document before closing out he looked around to see if I had come out of the room only to find no trace nothing was heard but silence.
He decided to watch a few videos to get his mind off what he read wanting to see what my life was like before the incident.
I could hear the videos being played Maria and Gerald's voices echoing in my mind I sat up before deciding to leave the room I found Sonic on the couch watching something on the computer seemed I forgot to take out the drive but not that I cared that he watched the videos at least I had someone to share them with.
His ear gave a twitch before he looked back and saw me.
" oh ugh sorry I can turn it o....."
I interrupted him
" it's fine Sonic... you can watch them." He was shocked but said nothing in return I sat beside him to watch the videos.

" I didn't think Gerald was very nice telling by the video announcement back when we first met but seeing how he treated you here he seems like a good father figure to you. Even the other scientists seem fond over you." Sonic eventually said.

" This was before the revenge scheme, after losing everyone he did go a bit mad but he didn't take it out on me during our time on prison island... that video he made though.. that was the last thing he made before he was killed... GUN found out about his plans and well that's also why I was put into isolation..."

The video Sonic chose to watch was mostly just home videos Maria had made, Gerald was trying to find a cure for her but her illness didn't keep her from having fun. She was happy to play games like tag or hide and seek which I was very good at since I was able to teleport into places on the ark where she wouldn't think to look.
Gerald in one of the short videos was singing to Maria to help her sleep while I sat beside him curiously.
I knew the words he'd sing it to me as well if I got scared during one of the tests he did seem to of cared for me like he cared for Maria.
" Country roads take me the place I belong.... West Virginia...." I didn't realize I was singing along at the time but as I did, a tear fell from my face and onto the keyboard of the laptop. Sonic didn't notice his gaze was glued to the screen, once he noticed I was crying he closed the screen. " Sorry Shadow.... You didn't deserve what happened back there" He set the computer on the table as I wiped away my tears once again. 
Sonic said nothing before grabbing something off an end table near the couch, it was a tissue he then offered it to me.
" don't use your gloves it could irritate your eyes." He then said I gave a nod and took the tissue he was right though the rough material of the glove was starting to cause my eyes to sting from already the tissue didn't help much either.

" Shadow.. I do have a question for you though, I was wondering if you had any fears." He then said after sometime passed.

" Why? You going to try and use them against me?" My tone turned more serious eyes narrowed toward him.

" It isn't like that just was curious... I have a fear of water, mainly large bodies of water, like lakes, rivers, oceans and even bath water..."
He looked away before continuing on this response peaked my curiosity I knew already he feared water but as for a reason I didn't know.
" I used to not be back when I was a kid, this was way before Egg man came into my life but during a trip to check out an under water reef something happened, I don't remember what occurred but my leg got stuck when I was heading to the surface to get air... the group of friends I was with were out of sight, last thing I remember I was trying to get my leg free before things went black, a friend rushed me to the shore though before it was too late.... Since then I refuse to go back, on some occasions though Egg man captured me and well used my fear to his advantage... not that I would do the same to you but....."
He trailed off, shaking from what he told me on his fear, seemed it was hard on him but it was hard to tell what his intentions were if I told him mine but something told me he was trust worthy to know, he didn't seem like the type for betrayal then again what did I know? One of the scientists betrayed everyone on the ark but still I didn't know who, I may never know who did it.
" I actually fear a lot of things... been created in a lab and experimented on, the one on the ark though wasn't bad though never really felt scared there the scientists were nice and if hurt they'd apologize but no one treated me similar after arriving to prison island, when I wasn't in the cell with Gerald I was in the lab they'd run their own tests on me without caring if it hurt, the needles were the worst part of it though... GUN aren't a force to mess with even now... I fear being found again by them.... This isn't exactly the way I thought I'd turn out, living in fear like this isn't much of a life.... Maria thought this world would've welcomed me once we were allowed to live here if her illness vanished, I promised to protect this world it was her dying wish but this world has you, it doesn't seem to need me..."

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