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"and, action!" the director yelled out, and on cue adriana, in character started squirming in the arms of ethan hawke, who was also in character

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"and, action!" the director yelled out, and on cue adriana, in character started squirming in the arms of ethan hawke, who was also in character. she grabbed her fake pocket knife from her pocket and sliced his arm, ethan let out a fake yell, which was very believable to the directors, throwing her in the back of the black prop van. the black balloons in his hand as he let them go onto the crime scene of where her character is taken. "cut! good job everybody!" the cameras stopped rolling, and the crew members and staff started doing their works.

adriana opened the doors, hopping out the van as she high fived ethan and walked over to her new friends.

"good job, addie." miguel mora said as she walked over to them with a smile, sitting down next to him on her chair that said "adriana" in a bold font.

adriana glanced at him, "thanks miguel. also should we do something tonight, i don't know, i'm feeling pizza party."

it was currently their third day filming, miguel and adriana had become good friends in their short period of knowing each other. same goes for the rest of the cast, who has went to go get their makeup done so they can film their parts.

miguel is a nice hispanic boy, with shoulder length hair and an bubbly attitude. just like in the new film they're making, this kid sure knows how to fight.

adriana, who has taken jujitsu and gymnastics somewhat of her life had taken an offer of sparring with him. turns out, they could both hold off long until they ran out of breath. which has happened once, and she promises never again, claiming she's way out of shape to spar. but in all honesty, they were just two scrawny kids with very little hygiene in their system.

miguel, to which was thinking about her question about the pizza party, shrugged with a slight nod. "yeah, i'm down for pizza. later when mason thems done with their scenes we'll tell them. then i can get out of these clothes."

looking at him, he wore a yellow sleeveless top, a bandana wrapped around his head, tied in the back. his hair was reaching his shoulder but curved a bit to where it didn't technically touch his shoulder yet.

both of them laughed, adriana playfully shook her head. "yeah, and the longer i can get my phone." she groaned, she always felt the need to have her phone on her. she will always prioritize her phone first, but her brother took it for safe keeping, since she was filming today he didn't want it out.

"do you know which scene mason them is doing?" he asked, looking at her, to which she shook her head.

"dunno, i think the part he's talking to the grabber. wait never mind, because my character just got kidnapped by him."

the boy shrugged, "eh, also your actings amazing by the way. very believable." he complimented, smiling at her.

a small grin set place on her lip, "thank you, yours too." she knows she just met the boy, but gosh, he was so cute, and nice. it just roped her in, the way he smiles, a small sparkle in his eyes. and the way he would always try and converse with her, making her laugh or smile really didn't fail. whenever he smiled, so did she.

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now