
3.3K 57 16

TW: talks of yk, what happened last chapter


miguel sat on adrianna's desk, waiting for people to join his live. he wanted to address the situation, although he didn't want to say much, he still wanted to make things clear.

200k joined

"hi guys, i'm waiting for a few more people to join."

tristanpravong joined

brady_hepner joined

madeleinemcgraw joined

masonthames joined

user joined


user i feel like he's pissed but doesn't wanna show it 😟

user where adri?

"we'll get to that in a minute."

500k joined

"okay, hi guys." he said, waving to the camera with a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "i just wanted to come up and address the situation with my girlfriend, adrianna. so, right now she's not right here, she's with her brother because of something that happened not long ago. i would've went with her, but i wanted to come on here and say something first."

user oh shit, people in troubleeee

user i thought he was gonna plan something for adris birthday 😕

"adrianna has been getting these hate comments, body shaming her, sending death threats and basically anything to be honest. there's even old men in her dm's saying they would rape her. and before anyone says anything, i did get consent from both adrianna and her brother to talk about this topic, because it really should be talked about. and due to those, they really made her question and do things that i'm not going to talk about yet, because it's also hard on me, our friends and family."

user you guys ruined a perfectly amazing girl.. 😐

user i cant believe this

user what the fuck?

user no bc, she's literally just turning fifteen tomorrow too

"what you guys, whoever's texting her this stuff, are doing is very wrong and disgusting on so many levels. nobody deserves this kind of treatment you are giving her, nobody does and nobody ever deserves it. it's sad to see what's the world come to, it really is. you guys think that because you're making someone think so low of themselves will only make you happy, but it doesn't, and never will. you will still feel unsatisfied and not complete, and to even do this the day before her birthday! she questioned her own mental health," he glared at the camera, shaking his head.

user this poor girl, you guys are literally ruining a beautiful human being like you've ruined so many others

user literally what has adrianna done to you guys? she's so sweet 🤦🏽‍♀️

user i cant imagine what miguel must be feeling about all this

user .. you guys suck, she's a kid and you are sending death threats to her? what the fuck.

"if you guys do this online, i cant imagine how it is when you're in school. must suck you're not getting much attention, huh? or you just hate on others for fun? guess what? it's not fun, people are out there killing themselves because of you and all you can do is sit there behind a phone and move on to the next goddamn person. adrianna loves her fans, she loves everyone and is so sweet and kind."

user i hate people like this

user they're breaking a gem for a rock

user what do people get in this? you can't just bully someone till they want to end their life and get some kind of reward.

"she would never do anything to hurt anyone, nothing at all. she will continue to love and love until there is none left, you guys are killing the love and the light from her. and to think you could do this to her before her literal big day? that's fucking disgusting, right before her birthday. before her quince where she was supposed to be happy and living her best life. but you guys won't even let her, so what's the point in making someone's life so miserable just to try and make yours better?"

user she didn't deserve this

user i hope she's okay..

user now all the hate comments are silent, i js know there's some of the haters behind the "nice" comments

"i'll wait, but when you guys know, please let me know because i am not going to sit here and watch you cyber bully my girlfriend and just do nothing. if anyone thought i would let this slide, no i'm not, because there's a lot of things wrong with what you said, i do love her, and i don't want her to die. so please, whoever's saying i don't love my own girlfriend, please get a life and don't say shit you don't know, seriously."


author speaking !

i cant wait for happy adri to be back 😕 ugh the suspense is killing me

LMAO IM JK😭 anyways no but fr i cant wait to have my bae be happy again, also you know the drill, any spelling errors just correct me, but please if you see someone already correct me, don't correct me too because that's annoying whenever i see it in fics. like someone corrects the author, and there's ten different people all correcting them too on the same paragraph and same word, i'm sorry, that's a pet peeve,

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