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bringing a hand to her mouth, she yawned. her eyes still closed, squinting them open to see the blue morning sky. there wasn't any clouds that had appeared yet, so she wondered if it was still early and if she should go to sleep, until she heard something that came from a phone.

she looked to where her feet was, one foot was propped up against miguel's stomach, the other was underneath someone. her other arm was in madeline's face, which she had moved and said a small 'sorry' in her head.

miguel felt movement on his stomach, looking up from his phone to see adriana trying to get her feet out from under tristan. "need help?" he asked, lifting an brow as she used her feet that was on him, to kick their friend away just enough to free her foot. and it worked, tristan didn't wake up though, he's dead asleep.

adriana smiled softly at miguel, his hair was a mess, but possibly neater than hers. "i got it," her hands flew up to pat down her hair, it looking like a birds nest up there. not literally, but y'know. "you could've moved my foot by the way," she said sheepishly.

"i tried, you were the reason i'm awake." he laughed, "you can kick and punch, so i just moved your legs on me, but somehow you went to kick tristan and he ended up on your leg."

adriana nodded, "makes sense, i move a lot in my sleep."

the hispanic boy smiled at her, "don't worry, same." his attention then went back to his phone, watching some movie on netflix.

the brunette stood up, then made her way over to the kitchen where she ran into her brother. "hey zan," she said, opening the fridge and grabbing the juice container.

"hey, should i get you guys take out or just make breakfast?" he asked, ruffling up his bed hair.

his sister walked over to the cabinet to grab a cup, shrugging. "take outs fine, you have to be at the set early." she told him, because when he cooks he takes forever. and there's a restaurant just a couple minutes away.

zander nodded, grabbing his wallet and keys and then leaving the hotel room as his sister washed her cup out. then turned the sink off and walked over to her juice.

"mikey?" she asked, her voice low trying not to wake up her friends.

"yeah?" he said, his voice was also low but enough for her to hear.

"want juice?"


not being much of a talker in the mornings, adriana stopped the conversation there and poured in the juice, making his cup first. then went to go grab a cup for herself, repeating that process.

after she put the juice back in the fridge and shut it, she turned back around to see miguel going over to the counter, stretching his arms as he did "morning."

"morning," was all she responded back as they sat across from each other, grabbing her phone she must've left on the counter after putting everything away last night. good thing it was still on ninety percent.

she unlocked it, going straight on her instagram. both teens sat in silence, just looking at their phones as they waited for the others to wake up, or at least both of them wake up. still half asleep.


hey adri

hey wassup

not much yk, how are you?

oh i'm good, just chillin tbh, shooting a new movie

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now