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miguel sat on adrianna's desk with his phone propped up on her wall so it faced him, he's on live talking to his fans while adrianna was laying down in the background on her bed watching princess and the frog.

"what are we doing for adrianna's birthday?" he read the comment before he turned around, "love? do you want me to tell them?"

"about what?" she asked, looking at him.

"your birthday."

"oh yeah that's fine, it's coming up soon anyways."

miguel nodded turning back to his phone, "she is having a quince." he played with his bottom lip, "i'm pretty sure it isn't an open invite though considering, you know."

user the fans are gonna edit him calling her love 😂

user i cant believe me and adris the same age


"she's so pretty. yeah, she is." he laughed before looking for more questions he could answer. "oh! this is a good one, did robin ever get his bandana back? no. he didn't lemme tell you guys why." he grabbed his phone going over to adrianna's bed and jumping on it, landing beside her to which she stayed unbothered by. "you guys see this little one right here? yeah, well she stole it from me and wouldn't tell me where it is."

adrianna giggled, "it's actually very close by."

"you better not be joking because i haven't seen that bandana since robins death."

"yeah, was sad wasn't it."

she was not paying attention, so he did the only thing he could. grabbed the remote, and paused it. "wha-hey! i was getting to the good part!"

"watching some girl kiss a frog isn't the good part adri."

"but it's funny, gimme." she tried reaching for the remote but he stretched his arm more away from her, "that's too far i'm gonna fall off the bed!"

she was right, all it took was for her to move another inch and they both went tumbling off the bed, with adrianna breaking his fall.

miguel laughed at her and stayed there while she tried pushing him off, "miguel!"

"no, i need to ask you something first."

"then will you let me breath?"


adrianna sighed, nodding her head for him to ask.

"where's the bandana?"

"up your as-"

miguel yelled and hurried to cover her mouth with a close by squishmallow, he then got off of her. "there are children on here!" he pointed to his phone, waving his arms around while she huffed and got up and jumped back on the bed.

"i think you just created body heat, because it is hot." she fanned herself, the AC was on full blast but she still found it hot.

"eh," he got back on the bed laying down on her stomach.

user pls that was so funny 😭

user i love adri she's funny

user is that your gf? SHES SO PRETTY

user did someone just say they don't know adri 😟 NO CHILDHOOD

user theyre so cute

cocoquinn awee <3

user coco get outa here 😭

brady_hepner heyyy love birds 🤭

"brady!" adrianna exclaimed, she hasn't seen him since the premier. "bro, the whole cast needs to have like a hang out day soon."

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