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soon, they all decided that they'll go to adriana's room since zander is out for another meeting. he says it's for another show that he's gonna do, she just doesn't know which one.

so adriana grabbed blankets and pillows, laying them on the ground of the living room, making it look very soft, because it is. the four blankets took up most of the space, considering they were comforters.

she went ahead into the kitchen, grabbing two bags on lays potato chips, then the remote and going over to the pillows, throwing them down in front of the big TV.

her eyes looked up at the door as a knock was heard, she smiled and then went over to open it. greeting madeline, tristan and miguel.

"hey, where's mason?" she asked, letting them come in. they were dressed in their sleep wear, the only one that had pajamas on was adriana with her space jam pjs.

miguel set his phone on the counter, "he's coming, just running late as always." he smiled at her, having her return it and close the door.

"i made a spot for us in the living room," she pointed over to it, the couch was basically the barrier as it made an 'U' shape, and then the blankets were in it. "i didn't turn the TV on yet, but yeah you guys can go ahead and sit down over there, i'm just waiting on the pizza right now."

the three friends nodded, "alright, cool thanks." tristan said, and all out ran then jumped on the blankets making them laugh at his sudden energy. "this feels good by the way!"

"thank you!" she replied as madeline walked over to him, miguel stayed sitting at the counter though. "hey miguel, what's up?" she sat down across from him.

"the ceiling."

"wow," adriana chuckled before the boy across from her broke in a grin, "and to think you were the nice one."

"im just joking," he smiled, his eyes were pretty whenever he smiled, his laugh was cute whenever he laughed. adriana wanted her small crush to fade away into nothingness, she'd just met the boy and to be honest, whatever kind of friendship they're going to have in the future, she didn't wanna ruin it.

"mhm." she joked around.

a knock came to the door, she grabbed her money in case it was the pizza man and walked to the door. opening it she saw mason with the two pizza boxes, the sauces, and two bags of cheese stuffed breadsticks (one bag was for zander), throwing an huge energetic smile at her.

"i ran into the pizza man! don't worry, i paid." he happily said to her, which she thanked him and let him into the door, then closed it.

wow, pizza man came early. it's only six fifteen and she ordered like not even nineteen minutes ago.

"here," she handed him forty dollars, taking the boxes out of his hand and setting it on the counter next to miguel so she could sort it out.

"oh, no it's fine."

"just keep it, free money." she shrugged, giving him a look. he just nodded and shoved it into his pocket as she grabbed a box, bread stick bag, and sauce then proceeded to bring it over in the living room. where he noticed she already set everything up.

the two boys went ahead and followed her, seeing both madeline and tristan on their phones, waiting patiently as she set it down. then went into the kitchen, grabbing the other box and put it away. along with the breadsticks she put in the microwave for her brother.

"alright!" she cheered, "who's ready to partayyyy!"

"yeah! let's get it started in here, let's get it started in he-" tristan stopped, "why aren't you guys singing?"

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now