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"hey guys, we're at the black phone premier. miguel, say hi." she faced the camera towards him, showing his face and the small smile he has on.

"hi," he said, waving a bit. which made adriana laugh at how awkward he looked, going closer to him and flipping the camera sideways she stuck her tounge out, then proceeded to smile.

"anyways, right now we're waiting for mason to come in and i'm pretty sure the rest of the cast are coming too, but masons going first."

adriana put a thumbs up, giggling as miguel awkwardly followed her, putting his thumb up with an awkward smile. she doesn't even know why he's being shy, but it's cute. "you're cute, mkay, c'mon. anyways bye my favorite stans, i'll see you guys after the premiere."

"adriana! left, can you look to the left for me?"

"adriana! how are you?"

shouts was all she could hear as she threw on a smile, and looked to the left as the paparazzi took pictures of her, then she looked forward again and answered the question. "i'm doing alright."

moving forward, after like what seemed was hundreds of pictures. she found herself in front of an blonde interviewer, a girl interviewer which she liked.

"hi adriana, how are you doing this evening?"

adriana nodded, "i'm doing good, i'm getting my career back up, acting and dancing."

"that's good! yeah, dancing with the juniors was my favorite especially sky and tj's one, also yours. tell me, how do you do it?"

the young girl laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "i don't know, i just feel myself getting more into the song and just go with the flow i guess."

the interviewer nodded, "so has there been any blooming friendships on set?"

"actually. yeah." she told her, nodding her head as she thought back to the group chat. "yeah, we're all close together, we have an group chat too. and we like to keep in touch mostly everyday, or three times a week if we're busy. and that's on being committed," she laughed. "i'm joking, but obviously we all have our seperate humor which, makes the group chat more alive now that i think about it. and we actually had it since the start of filming, the only group chat we all have."

"that's good!" the older woman commented, "i love seeing friendships grow, it's always so fun to communicate with others and just getting along." adriana nodded along, waiting for more questions. "how was it like acting alongside ethan hawk?"

"oh, it was amazing! he's an great actor, i could never be any more thankful to land this role. acting alongside him was the highlight, along with my co stars, before they attack me in the group chat."

"you're funny, i like that."

"awe, thank you." the brunette put a hand to her heart, smiling, "the group chat doesn't think so."

"how do you feel about the movie?"

"i feel like it's going to be a good movie, like they'll like it cause it's not scary to the point you're pissing your pants, but it's more exciting, like you want to find out what happens even though you already know what's going to happen. although i can't say anything about griffins part, that part lowkey scared the crap out of me."

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now