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"scout, come here boy." adrianna clicked her fingers for her dog, holding a frisbee in one hand.

miguel, adrianna and zander's outside in the backyard, while the oldest presscott was in the pool. the couple stayed out of the pool playing with their dog, letting him run around and try to catch a frisbee. miguel kept throwing it high so scout couldn't really jump up and get it until it came two feet above the ground.

"scout! come here boy!" miguel shouted, seeing scout running from around the house and towards them, holding a ball in his mouth. he ran straight for adri and jumped up, putting his paws on her thighs as he wagged his tail and dropped the ball from his mouth.

adrianna smiled and scratched behind his ear, to which he leaned into. "what? wanna okay with the ball?"

woof! woof! he wagged his tail quicker, getting off of his owner and running around until he randomly started chasing his tail.

"i think he wants to play with the ball." miguel stated, grabbing the tennis ball and holding it up.

his girlfriend looked at him, "really? no duh." she said playfully, which made and idea pop into his brain.

"adri, come over here i need to ask you something."

adrianna, being that gullible person she is, walked closer to him. and without a second thought, he grabbed her from the back of her knees and threw her over his shoulder. "miguel! no!" he started running, and in no time she was surrounded by water in the arms of her boyfriend who already made his way back up with her as he had an arm around her waist.

she took in a large breath of air, wiping her face and moving her wet hair away from her eyes as she clung onto miguel's waist.

miguel started laughing until she pushed him away and splashed him with water, "not funny."

he splashed water back at her, grabbing the floating frisbee she didn't have in her hand and throwing it away from the pool.

"oh yeah, i just love being a third wheel!" a shout came from the other side, there sat zander on a float with a drink in his hand and sunglasses on his face.

"good!" adrianna yelled back, smiling at him when he shook his head and leaned back, letting the sun hit him directly on his adam's apple.

"wanna play volleyball?" miguel suggested, putting his arms on the cement and pushing himself up so he got out. she nodded, also swimming to the edge of the pool and getting out.

adrianna ran to the side of the house, grabbing the volley ball and running back to miguel. when she was less then ten feet away from him, she threw the ball in the air and served it to him.

miguel bent his knees, putting his hands into position then met the ball halfway keeping it in the air and hitting it back to her.

this continued on and on, along with zander deciding to join in since whenever adrianna would go to spike the ball, sometimes, it would miss miguel and almost hit him in the head.

author speaking !

why is it when i'm eating i'm also writing 😭 like, i'm not even on my ma'i yet and i'm getting all these snacks then i'm moody.. wait nvm i'm always moody

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