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adrianna and miguel had to wake up really early, at about five a.m. just to get everything ready. her court was coming soon, and good thing she didn't have puffy eyes because then she'll end up putting a lot of makeup on, and she doesn't wanna do that before something goes wrong and there's makeup going down her face. but that's just one of her fears.

"happy birthday mi amor." miguel kissed her on the cheek, hugging her from behind as he shook her just a bit.

"thanks miggy, also do you have your outfit for tonight?"

"mhm, me and the boys still have to iron it when they get here." he kissed her on the cheek, "which reminds me, my love, they land in two hours so me and zander's going to go grab them while you go with your cousins and get your hair and nails done."

"i have to also do my makeup."

"just do it here, you could come home do your makeup, put on your dress and accessories and then we leave."

adrianna put her pointer finger up, "you guys have to get ready too. i could do my makeup in the car on the way. when i get home you guys better be ready."

"why're you doubting me, love?" he gave her a peck on the head, before heading out the bathroom to let her get ready.

"i'm not doubting you! it's just, you and the boys are kind of slow, and not to mention zander."

"no we're not."

"on maddie's birthday you guys brought the cake so late. who even made you guys get the cake!"

"actually, zander did. and we were having a karaoke in the car."

she laughed, making her hands into a 'go away' motion, "whatever dork, now shoo i have to go shower."

adrianna spent four hours out, to get her hair and makeup done, which took forever, then to do her nails, which also took forever because of the design. and on the way, she got a bit hungry since she didn't eat breakfast.

once they got to the house, adrianna and her cousins had to hurry up and get into the house for their dresses. the boys had already left, they had to drive in separate cars.

(author speaking ! i'm sorry if you don't like the theme of this etc etc, i tried)

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(author speaking ! i'm sorry if you don't like the theme of this etc etc, i tried)

"adri, hurry we're gonna be late!" her cousin yelled, watching her run out of the house once she locked the door, holding up the ends of her dress as she hurried her way to the car in her heels.

adrianna got in, closing the door and huffing as she moved her dress so it didn't bother her cousin that sat right by her.

"ready for your big day cous?" she asks, a arm over her shoulder as she lightly shook the younger one.

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now