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adrianna and miguel laid on her bed watching my girl on netflix, she had her head on his chest while his hand was in her hair rubbing her scalp.


he hummed, looking at her.

"i'm sorry i ruined your trip..."

miguel sighed, shaking his head. "adri, i already told you that you didn't. i could go there another time."

"but, you really wanted to go and then this came up and you had to drop everything just to come see me, which you really didn't have too i could've just-"

before she could say anything else, a pair of soft lips was on hers. she doesn't even know how she didn't notice miguel moving her chin more upwards, but all she knew now was miguel cazarez mora was kissing her. and she liked it.

it was a sweet, and short kiss as he pulled back, smiling at her who had a shocked face. "miguel?"

"yes?" he hummed, keeping her eyes locked.

"what did that mean?"

"i like you, adri. and i hope that you like me too, unless i brought something for nothing."

adrianna smiled, "this isn't to distract me, is it?"

"no, well.. a bit, but i really do like you, more than a friend, or best friend. i really really like you."

"i like you too miguel." she leant up, pecking his lips slightly before he gave her a smile and moved off the bed. he went over to his bag, un zipping it and grabbing something.

he turned around as she sat up and cross crossed her legs, having him sit in front of her on the edge of the bed. giving her the squared box, it was medium sized and very thin-ish.

she opened the box and stared at it, looking at him with a smile. "are you serious?" inside the box was a beautiful silver chain, with a silver infinity pendant with shiny silver gemstones, there was also two roses, one fully silver that completed the infinity sign. and one that had the stem and leaves silver, with the top of the rose, rose gold and it went in the middle of it.

 and one that had the stem and leaves silver, with the top of the rose, rose gold and it went in the middle of it

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"yeah, i saw you looking at it one time but we had to leave so you couldn't. i spent so much time trying to find it."

"for me?"

"i'd do anything for you." if you look into this man's eyes all you could see was truth and honesty in that moment, and she was so goddamn lucky he was here.

"can you put it on me?" as he nodded and grabbed the box from her hand, she turned around with her back facing him and moved her hair. miguel took the necklace out the box and un hooked the clip, he then put it around her neck and hooked it back on. she then let down her hair and touched the pendant.

turning around, she hugged him tightly while he laughed and hugged her back. "thank you miggy, i love it."

"you're welcome mi amor." adrianna blushed slightly, he knew she loved it when he spoke spanish or called her love, any nickname from him she loved.

miguel pulled her apart from him and sat her back down on the bed, she tilted her head wondering how moving her from one place to another could be so easy.

"i have a question." miguel stated, looking at her. "adri, i know we already went over on how much i really like you," he moved a piece of hair strand that fell in front of her eyes away, "and i've always felt this way since we started filming, you were just too pretty to not think about a lot. adrianna will you be my girlfriend?"

she smiled and nodded, "yes miguel i will be your girlfriend."


"yes!" she laughed as he tackled her down on the bed, kissing her head three times before he let go of her and pecked her on the lips.

"where's his glasses? he can't see without his glasses!" came from the movie, which made adrianna look at the tv.

"my favorite parts on."


author speaking !

I FEEL LIKE THIS WAS TOO FAST 😭 but i hope it was cute though.

also i lowkey want that necklace, how's her getting spoiled n shii 🤨 like girl, who made you, best think twice or thrice.

don't mind my weird humor this is purely for entertainment and.. i have weird humor.

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