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"hi," adrianna muttered with a smile as she looked at the thousands of fans joining the live, one hand against her cheek holding up her head. "i'm just waiting for more people to join."

it took a couple minutes and she now now seven fifty thousand people on her live, "okay." she sighed, sitting up straight. "i'm here to address everything, again. because things have gone... out of control and i feel like i need to have an mature understanding with all of you first."

user oh no what's happening..

user i don't feel like i'm going to like this, could tell by her face expression

user adri i love you<3

user ik this gonna hurt

"i have decided to quit all social media platforms, twitter, instagram, snapchat and tiktok. this isn't anyones fault, but it's a decision that i'm making and i need to say it before i completely quit everything. my socials will still be up though, like my pictures and highlights, even my tweets. i will not be disabling any of those. and the reason is because of the hate, which is also what we're going to be talking about next."

user what, no😕

user look what you guys did 🤦🏽‍♀️

user i'm gonna miss her

user hate does things to ppl and others still decides it's okay, our world is messed up

"as everyone knows, i have been getting tons of hate from literally everywhere. i still don't know why, but those comments made me think i was going crazy. nobody knows, but i have tried to suicide before, thankfully, my boyfriend stopped me before i could do any permanent damage. i went to therapy because i really thought something was wrong with my head, but nothing was wrong. i was just doing what i was told to do, which i shouldn't be, and it was very stupid for me to even think about it for one second."

user seriously people are so mean and they wonder why our earth is dying

user babe...

user i hate people like that bringing others down just so they could feel like they're going up

user keep your head up adri!

"i don't blame no one, i let them get to my head when i knew i shouldn't let them. i'm old enough to know the different between right or wrong, and i.. was wrong. i never should've tried to hurt myself, and i know i should've just ignored them and moved on. but it's also hard, you know, when you're this young. and i have a message, to the people out there. getting bullied, being made fun of because you're too poor, too rich, too big, too small, that you don't look good, you're not pretty, you're too pretty, you're being misunderstood.. i am here for you, i understand you. if you ever need someone to talk to, share it with someone you trust, or if you choose not too, then write your feelings down, everyday. think about what you did, and what they did."

user i cant believe people are trying to tear this beautiful soul up

user people are haters, but there are nonbelievers like adri to help you go through everything

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 &lt;𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now