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adrianna walked inside of her room, dropping her phone on her beanbag as she saw miguel sitting on her desk. "miggy?"

miguel turned to her with a smile, "hey, you're back." he spoke softly to her as she slowly walked towards him, "i was getting kind of worried, it's almost eleven and we have to wake up early for your big day."

she softly smiled, her hands were in front of her as she fiddled with her rings and occasionally her thumb. "i'm sorry about what i did today, i should've ignored them and just continued with my day and i get it if you want to bre-"

he furrowed his eyebrows, "adri, what are you talking about? don't be sorry for what other people are doing, never be sorry for that." he stood up and brought her head to his chest, softly rubbing her hair and kissing her head. "you cant control what people do or their actions, you don't have to feel guilty because it's on them, not you. and please, please." his voice was shaky as he took a large inhale and exhale, "don't tell me to break up with you again, i don't want too. and if you want too, i'll respect that, but i will wait for you. i don't care how many years it takes, i really don't."

(author speaking ! i'm really sorry if you find this cringe, honestly i tried avoiding this chapter ngl)

"what if you find someone else?"

"then shame on me, because i lost the brightest light i have."

adrianna giggled a bit, relaxing into his touch as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "i can't be the brightest light in your life, you have your mom."

"you're right next to her, i never compare."

she looked up at him, her chin laying on his chest as he stared at her with a soft smile. "i don't want to break up with you, and i don't think i can do it."

"then don't," he whispered, her eyes locking with him as he leaned down and pecked her lips. "i promise, i'll try to make you happy and keep you safe."

"you already do that, you're my safe space miguel."

a smile was brought on his face as he leaned in and kissed her, before pulling away as they heard scratches on her door. "i'll go grab him," he said, before pulling away from her and moving to open the door, immediately when he did, scout ran in and jumped on adrianna's bed, curling up against her pillow as he let out a loud sigh, well what sounded like one.

adrianna laughed and climbed on the bed with scout while miguel shut the door, she started scratching him behind his ear, letting him lean into her touch. "long day?"

scout whined and miguel laughed as he also climbed on the bed, "sorry boy, you're on my spot though." he grabbed the dog, laying down next to adrianna and then put scout on him.

the dogs paws were on his chest as he sat down on miguel's stomach, hitting him on the chest as he huffed.

"awh, look miguel you got him mad, come here boy." she cooed, and scout, without a second thought, hopped onto adrianna and laid on her, curling up to her neck.

her boyfriend playfully rolled his eyes, "take your time scout, because once you get bigger you're going to the edge of the bed."

a soft slap hit his arm and he gave her an offended lap as she covered his ears, "shhh, don't say that. he knows where you sleep."

author speaking !

filler, one more day till her birthday. also guys MY BIRTHDAYS TOMORROW IM TURNING 15 YESSS, now us hawaiians do big birthday parties, and they usually at the beach or at the house doing some big cook out but i dunno if i like em big this year. i might just stay home or go surfs side grab me sum to eat.

also i hope you liked this chapter i'm sorry this one's short

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