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"adrianna, c'mon we're gonna go pick up miguel from the airport." her brother told her, it has been two days since miguel told adrianna he was gonna go over to new york. she honestly didn't think he'd actually show up.

since it was four a.m. she just wore a brown and black graphic color block hoodie with shorts, then left her hair down.

she grabbed her phone, tiredly making her way out the house, feeling the cold air hit her all at once. opening the car door, and sliding in she made sure to put on her seat belt because safety first.

"you okay?" zander asked, pulling out of the drive way as she nodded. "miguel should be landing at five, but the airport is farther away from us and we don't wanna get into unwanted traffic."

"okay." she said, if adrianna was being honest she wasn't doing okay, and everybody knew that. but she didn't want to draw unwanted attention to her either, in fear that she'll get more hate than ever. she just hopes that it stops soon, she doesn't know how much she can take.

"adri wake up, we're here." light shaking shook her, her eyes opening for a few seconds before closing again. "adri, c'mon wake up miguel just landed he tested saying he's going to the luggage claim."

adrianna nodded, slowly unbuckling her seatbelt with her eyes still closed before slowly opening them again. they both got out the car, and zander, being the ever so moment keeper started recording once they started walking up to the doors where miguel would soon walk out from.

surprisingly it wasn't that crowded, maybe a few people here and there but considering it's about five fifty, people are possibly still on the plane or waiting for their plane.

tippy toeing trying to see behind people or above peoples heads, because she doesn't want to wait at the door, she started seeing curly hair that was down, and a tall-ish kid make his way out from behind people.

once he locked eyes with adrianna he smiled, "adri do you see him? i cant, where is he?" zander muttered, sounding like a parent who just lost his kid.

"he's right in front of you." she told him, before walking up to miguel as he started getting closer by the way he was walking. she opened her arms for him so he could crash into her, almost taking her out and making them both fall on the floor. good thing he was there to catch her though.

she laid her head on his chest as he held her head with his hand, his other arm around her waist to tightly hug the life out of her.

"i missed you so much..."

miguel smiled and looked down at her, he could somewhat see her face. the tip of her nose was red, and her eyes puffy. either way, she still looked beautiful and he wouldn't trade anything for this. he kissed the crown of her head, rubbing her hair softly.

"i missed you too adri."

"they're so cute." zander whispered from behind his phone camera, catching everything.

author speaking !

not me listening to someone to stay by vancouver sleep clinic while eating ice cream and writing this chapter lmao, anyways yes i'm in my feelings bc like my best friend of four years, left me two weeks ago for his girlfriend who he met four months ago.

but like IDKY, because she was cool with me and him being friends, so i was cool with her. and now i'm looking at our pictures together, and i don't want to be those petty people who delete things like memories and stuff.

he's messed up so many times and i've always been there for him, this is what he messed up and now i can't be there for him, and we would lowkey argue and fight but it never got this bad, i needed a break and said fuck this i'm done.

it is what it is, i cant change what he does and he cant control what i do anymore, honestly i feel like i could be happy if i let those memories go.

let it gooo let it gooo can't hold it back-

i'm joking.

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now