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"no, no... wake up, please." she cried, holding miguel's head in her lap as the cameras rolled. it was silent, the directors and actors watching the scene unfold before them, again. it took six tries, both of them kept forgetting their lines or kept laughing, "please m- robin, don't leave me here alone... please." she almost frowned at her mistake, good thing no one caught that.

with a sob and a jump when the door that was slammed shut upstairs, hard footsteps thumping down the stairs to where they're at. the latch on the door could be heard opening, and there stood ethan in all his glory, cleaned of the blood and in his mask.

"we've made a mess, huh?" he chuckled, stepping closer to her and making her flinch as he did. "i'm sorry you had to see that, he was being naughty."

"stay away from me you psycho!" she screamed, putting miguel's head down so she could get up and move away from him. "you're a murder, and fucking crazy! you just killed a boy i loved."

"love?" ethan muttered, tilting his head. "you're a kid, you don't know about love! you haven't felt love!" with every word he stepped closer and she stepped more back, "you should feel pain, like i did!"

"why us?"

her voice came out more clear, louder without a sob or stutter. he moved more closer to her, putting a hair of strand away from her face as she flinched just a bit.

it was silent, before he leant down to whisper in her ear, "so you could feel my pain, sweat heart." a sob broke out, she pushed him away and he stumbled back with a laugh. "you don't love him, you never did."

"shut up."

ethan turned around, grabbing miguel's possibly sleeping body and began walking.

"no, where are you taking him?" but as scripted she didn't get an answer, he walked out the door, turning around and slamming it shut before locking it.

adriana rushed to the door, screaming 'robin' as she repeatedly hit the door with her fist. before she turned around, and slid down the door. fake tears steaming down her chin as she lifted her legs up, resting her head on her knees and cried.

"and cut! good job everybody!"

adriana stood up from where she was sat, standing up and wiping the fake tears with her palm before walking to the directors. ethan walked back in, carrying miguel.

"he fell asleep." was all the adult said, and as expected, the children all broke out into giggles, snorts and laughs.

ethan put the sleeping boy on the mattress that was a prop for the movie, but they weren't gonna lie it was actually comfortable.

though it was the third bed they had to buy because the other ones were too soft or not soft enough for the bed frame underneath.

"should we order food? lowkey hungry." adriana piped up from across the room, standing by zander who had just given her a small bag of doritos.

zander shook his head, "at times i wonder how you're still skinny."

it earned him a kick to the shins, and she got a slap to the head. then both of them started playfully fighting each other.

"go over to your boyfriend," he nudged his head towards miguel, who was now dead asleep, not half asleep anymore.

"shut up, what was macie, the third girl these past few days?"

"oh you're in for it."

"try me, bit-"

"let it go! let it go! cant hold it back anymore, let it go! let it go!"

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now