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adri is better than u except maddie cause she's superior

mason | mop yo curls
madeline | vision
miguel | the ded one💀
tristan | 🚴 ⚾️ 🚐
adriana | easily kidnapped😱
brady | pinballhopper
jacob | bill(AYE)

guys.. this edit of miguel and adri tho- i'm screaming, THEY'RE SO CUTEE

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adriana read the message, a confused look on her face. clicking the video, it started off blurry, she could see that miguel held her hand. both of them taken a step back, the song started.

"i'll look after you.." and then when miguel lifted her hand up, the beat dropped and the video became clear. she twirled around and into her arms, and once he had his arms around her it went in slow motion with a flash as it did. "it's always have and never hold, cause you've began to feel like home."

adriana blushed a bit, wondering how they've gotten this video. it was from her cousins wedding, and she wore a pink off the shoulder short mini tulle dress. with lace covering most of the parts from her chest down to her waist line, it was a pretty dress, her brother brought it for her a week before.

adri is better than u except maddie cause she's superior

mason | mop yo curls
madeline | vision
miguel | the ded one💀
tristan | 🚴 ⚾️ 🚐
adriana | easily kidnapped😱
brady | pinballhopper
jacob | bill(AYE)

easily kidnapped 😱

🚴 ⚾️ 🚐
dry af

dw guys she's js a lil shy *wink wonk*

ouuhhhh 🤭

easily kidnapped😱
mb guys i dunno what to say bruh 😭

the ded one 💀
she be flustered fr fr

easily kidnapped😱
no i'm not miguel stop lying

the ded one💀
zach texted

easily kidnapped😱
it be your own blood

mop yo curls

easily kidnapped😱
why am i being targeted, look at mads and spencer hmmm

ik damn well-

easily kidnapped😱
mb mb, i should add him in the gc soon

guys shhh i'm in the store

the ded one💀

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that's an tut on how to silence your phone, and put it on do not disturb, also the classic mute gc

well why didn't i think of that 🤦🏽‍♀️

the ded one💀
i know right? shame on you bill, shame on you


the ded one💀
it's not?

easily kidnapped😱
wait what?

..wait i've been calling you billy the whole time

guys my names jacob 🥲

mop yo curls
shame on all of you who have forgotten poor jacobs real name, which is jacob by the way

you guys should feel ASHAMED of yourselves

damn, it's a sad life after all

it is a sad life after all

easily kidnapped😱
shut up tristan

don't even

you literally had a crush on me

easily kidnapped😱

i have no shame

none at all

i stand by it

the ded one💀
how did the conversation change so fast?


mop yo curls
it's def adri

easily kidnapped😱
wow, not just me

anyone wanna go live, also thank you adri. i feel very complimented, unlike SOMEONE, a NICE person complimented me hm🤭

the ded one💀
shut up tristan

author speaking !

i love this gc

i wanted to make this a funny chapter before i go to sleep, and it is now 12:40pm and i have school. also sorry for the short chapters, i usually make them long but idk it's weird.

have a nice night, day or afternoon wherever you are!

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