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"adri!" miguel shouted to his girlfriend behind him, she looked up from her phone and smiled at the camera that faced her. before she noticed miguel and mason throwing up the fours, she shook her head and looked back down.

the three of them all went to universals together, which is a very fun experience for them. they also came with of of the boys' friends, she just forgot his name.

miguel put his phone back inside his pocket when he finished filming that last part, and before he could even take three steps. adrianna tan up and jumped on his back, expectedly though, he caught her. not before almost dropping her on accident.


"what? my feets killing me." she muttered, putting her chin on his shoulder as he continued walking, holding the back of her knees so she wouldn't fall.

"you're not even wearing heels though?" mason questioned, looking down at her converse.

his best friend looked at him, "so, we've been walking forever."

"we just got in the gates, adrianna." she started trying to get off of miguel's back but he held on to her tighter, "i'm just joking my love, i'm sorry." he laughed, hoisting her up higher so she could wrap her arms around his neck.

"no, it's fine. i could walk." she isn't taking it seriously, it sounds like that though. but she doesn't also want to seem clingy, and she overthinks a lot. "i think i see some fans."

"where?" miguel looked, and when adrianna was trying to show him he just kept looking everywhere but where she was telling him. so she grabbed his head, moving it to the group of girls waving and starting to walk to them.

she hopped off his back, all four of them stopping as the girls came closer.

"oh my god, hi!" one of the girls said, "can we get a picture with you guys? we're huge fans!"

"of course!" adrianna said, "i'll go last, i'm gonna take a picture of you guys first."

"actually," another girl spoke up. "i was kind of hoping we could get yours first and then the boys? i really love your character sage."

"oh, yes of course!" as the girls positioned themselves, smiling as the camera light flashed. then a girl took out her phone, going into her camera roll and started filming.

"i just met adrianna freaking presscott! along with mason and miguel!" she squealed, "adrianna i love you!"

"i love you too!" she laughed as she took the boys pictures with the rest of the girls.

"best night, ever."

"oh my fucking god!" adrianna screamed as someone tried grabbing her in the hunted house they are now in, "what the fuck!"

miguel laughed at her, resulting in her playfully rolling her eyes and walking ahead of him. "wait! hold my hand!"

"hold masons hand!"

"why am i brought into this- ahhh!"

"oh my god!"

"why are you scary!"

adrianna slowly turned around to mason and looked back and forth from him and to the clown, "did you just ask this clown why it's scary?"

"no.." he let go of miguel's hand.

they continued walking before a clown decided to literally pop it's head out of the window, making adrianna scream and almost hit mason in the nose.

𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 <𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now