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adri? are you up?

read 5:43am

yeah why


why're you so dry

dude it's five in the morning, and says the one who only speaks emoji on tiktok

bc their edits are 🔥




i'm not gonna call you a mean name
because i'm nice
unlike u

no you are not

yes i am

when we were filming you literally pushed me down one of the props bc i didn't share my gummy bears with you after my dentist appointment THEY WERE MINE


no you didn't

i just did

dumb ass

thank you

shut up i have to get ready for school

okay then get ready

okay bye

wait where you going

school dumbass it's august 1st

oh shittt, i start school in a week 💪🏽

stfu emoji talker

i'm not an emoji talker, you are

do you see the things you comment on tiktok's? exactly, CAUSE THEY'RE ONLY EMOJIS


whatever, anyways i need help picking out an outfit i'm stuck

okay, show me

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uhh, go with two



adrianna grabbed her phone, putting it in her back pocket then grabbed her bag rushing downstairs and out the door

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adrianna grabbed her phone, putting it in her back pocket then grabbed her bag rushing downstairs and out the door. she walked up to her brothers car, where he sat patiently in his seat on his phone.

once she opened the door and settled herself in, he started driving out the drive way.

"can i get aux, but on your phone?" she asked, face timing miguel on her phone as she sat it up on the dashboard when he answered.

"why don't you use your phone?"

"because i'm on face time with miguel, i'll give you twenty because you're broke."

"i guess i do really need that twenty."

"i feel like you guys sometimes forget you're rich." a voice came from her phone, miguel was laying on his bed watching on his tv.

"hey miguel." zander said, waving with one hand as he passed his phone to his sister and she started typing,

"hey zan, what you guys doing this weekend."

"not much, might take adriana shopping again because her birthday's coming up soon. how about you though?"

"i'm going mexico with my family soon."

"ohh that's nice."

suddenly the song came up and zander looked at her with annoyance, "what? it's my favorite song. i've got sunshiinnee on a cloudy dayy, when it's cold outsidee i feel i've got the month of may. hit it miguel!"

after laughing, and started screen recording, he did join in with her. "i'd guess you say, what can make me feel this way. my girl, my girl, my girl. talking 'bout my girl."

"MY GIRL!" they both sang at the same time before zander joined in.

"i've got so much honey, the bees envy me. i've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees."

adri is better than u except maddie cause she's superior

mason | mop yo curls
madeline | vision
miguel | the ded one💀
tristan | 🚴 ⚾️ 🚐
adriana | easily kidnapped😱
brady | pinballhopper
jacob | bill(AYE)

easily kidnapped 😱
guys i'm in class rn and there's like SO MANY pretty girls here

damn you have to go school

bill (AYE)
as if you don't

easily kidnapped😱
no butttt, there's this one cute boy in here

the ded one💀

easily kidnapped😱
yeah, idk if he gonna be my crush tho

ik who adris crush is 🤭

easily kidnapped😱
*Le GaSp* shhhh

nahh you girls and your guys' crushes i swearrr

no fr, also where miguel go he lowkey vanished

the ded one💀
i'm playing club penguin leave me alone

easily kidnapped😱
slayyyy miggy

the ded one💀

easily kidnapped😱
oh no, not the emojis

the ded one😱
i- shut up AUDREY-ANNA!

easily kidnapped😱

the ded one💀
go do your work

easily kidnapped😱
wtvr mr attitude 🤨

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