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you have five new DM request messages from miguelsone&only on instagram.

adrianna, would you
chill the fuck out. nobody wants you
so stop acting like they do. it's honestly embarrassing the way you have to have male validation every second of your fucking life.

you should just kill yourself, it'll make it easier cause then people will start missing you
more. i'm just giving you advice.

like, you shouldn't even be with miguel,
he should be with maya, she's more better
than you, you ducking slut.

just because you're famous doesn't mean you're the shit, your going to be so unsuccessful.

don't listen to the "cute/nice" comments because they're really just saying that so you don't get hurt much. in all honesty fucking DIE you dumb who're

9+ messages from user

i want nudes from you 😍 you're so hot

6 request messages from user

you suck at acting and dancing, you literally act so goofy all the time.

you're such a pick me

no wonder your mom them didn't want you, and they're having a baby girl too 😂 probably going to name her something better than your name

9+ from user

just die already, everyone will be so much better without you

you don't deserve to be here

you're a fucking slut

nobody cares for you, you're so dumb to even realize that

you're hella fat too, you should eat less


just die already, miguel would be so much better without you

i could see your bones through your shirt, you should eat more 🤣 but it's just a suggestion, you don't have too unless you're actually killing yourself

a day before her birthday, they had to DM her a day before her birthday and make her feel like shit.

sliding down the bathroom door, adrianna felt numb. she couldn't think properly, and she started asking herself if what people were saying were actually right. she hated herself for thinking this way, but how can she not when they're piling everything on her all at once.

she felt pressured, way too pressured. she wanted to end it all, make the pain go away as she looked at the sharp razor in her hand. her phone dropped from her hand as she let out another sob, which miguel heard and looked up.

he sat in her room, she said she had to go bathroom real fast. which was also in her room, so he heard a thud clear as day.

"adri? you alright?" he waited for an answer but didn't get one, until notifications started popping up on his phone. it was on adrianna's account that he had her log it on his phone so he could see and block people who was sending hate to her.

clicking on a notification, he saw this one dm where a guy wanted to see her nudes and have her in the sheets with him. as he clicked on the profile, he felt disgusted and grossed out. which made his heart start to pound, she was in the bathroom, and for a long time.

miguel rushed to the bathroom, trying to open the door but it was locked. he felt so scared, so scared he might lose the one gem in his life. "adri! open the door! adri! adrianna open the fucking door!"

inside the bathroom, adrianna sat against the tub with her back against it. sobbing her eyes out as she stared at the razor, she felt disgusted at the comments and everything else. it was like she was slowly losing herself, and she hated every bit of it.

before she had the chance to cut herself on her wrist, the door was kicked open, banging against the wall and making a loud boom. miguel stood from out the door, panic evident on his face.

she jumped from the impact of the door hitting the wall, the blade cutting a small line, not deep but enough for it to be a kind of king cut. she winced from it, but looked up at him with big teary eyes.

"hey, hey," he put his arm in front of him, the blade was covered in her blood, it wasn't much, but just enough to break his heart at the sight of it. "mi amor, don't listen to the comments please, look, listen to me." he walked closer to her, bending down to her eye level, putting his hand to her face, cupping her cheek and leaving it there. "we could've talked about this? adri, i could've done something."

"i'm sorry miguel, but it just kept piling up and i got sick of them." her lip quivered, holding back her sobs as she stared up at him.

"why are you sorry? they should be sorry, they're hating on you for no goddamn reason. don't end your life because someone says, people love you adri- i.. we, love you. brady, tristan, maddie them, your brother, your fans. if others can't see you for you, then they're in the wrong because you're an amazing person who doesn't deserve to get her life taken away from her, okay?"

"it hurts," she cried to him as he put his hand in the back of her head, pulling her into his chest so he could hug her as she sobbed in his arms. "i wanted the pain gone, i hate this feeling."

miguel kissed her head, "i'm right here." he whispered.

author speaking !

i spelt wrong on the first dm on purpose, buttt honestly if i did make a spelling error i'm sorry lmao, i am not getting enough sleep as it is.

but i wanted her situation to be talked about so i think the next couple chapters will possibly be of that, i promise we are gonna get back happy adri soon, hopefully really soon but yeah. i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, much mahalo nui loa to people who read it and yeah.

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