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Dabi pov

Me, Compress,Sigy and Toga. We are running from some heroes.
We are runing in alley way and looking for portal.

We got away from hero's "there" Mr Compress says. Portal is in end of alley way. Toga was first who went in side of portal then Mr Compress. "Dabi I hate you and you know that. You betrayed me,cheated on me and now you will pay for it" I heard heros coming closer "I can explain but now we need to go" Shigaraki step inside the portal and then I ran to portal but portal disappeard "what no no n-" I felt sharp pain in my head and then I passed out.

I woke up in bed, I opened my eyes and saw bright light and my head hurts. I looked around the room and the room is  all white. I tried to move my arm but I coldn't my arms are cuffed to bed "ehhh" I heard door opend and there walked in Ereserhead and someone else" good to see you awake Dabi I'm Nomasa Tsukauchi my quirk is liedetektor" I looked at bout of them and Tsukauchi has some kind of fils in his hand "we will ask you some questons and you have to ansver truly" I didn't want to speek I just looked at them.

" I will read your fille and corekt me if theres some thing is not corekt" he looks at me and then at fille

"Name - unknown

Alias - Dabi

Age - 20-24"

They looks at me waiting for me to tell them some information.
"We will come later" they exited room and I was left all alone again.

I don't know how long I have been here when again they both show up.  In Eraserhead hand is a cup of coffe " Alias is Dabi corekt" Tsukauchi ask "ehh yes" I have no chose "what's your real name" nop this one nop " how old are you?" Oh this will be interesting I waited when Eraserhead will drink his coffe and "I'm 17 " Eraserhed spat out his coffee "you are that young" he looks at Tsukauchi "He is not lying"

"Why did you become a villan?" If I say  because of heros then...maby "beacause of hreos" Tsukauchi looked at me " it's not a lie nor a truth can you explain in details?" what kind of details he wants "no" I heard him sigh "at lest we got something" Eraserhead said and again they left me alone.

I don't know when I fell a sleep but some on was gently saking me by my shoulder but damn my shoulder hurts as  a bich "Dabi wake up " that person said I opened my eyes and first ting I saw was golden eyes " I m up I m up" Hawks what is he doing here " hello Dabi I'm princebul Nezu" he is standing on a chair " that you are so young we will give you a chose" I looked at him waiting him to contune " are you going to jail or to villan rehabilitacon program which it will be" Nezu said it so exsited.

I looked at him again then at Hawks and then again at Nezu " I......will go with.....rehabilitacon program" Nezu starded to jump up and down but Hawks smiled at me "great couse Hawks will be with you almost evry time but only when he has no patrol's to do" Nezu was about to leve when he said "And Hawks will be your personal doktor"

And then he walked avay I turned my head in his dircon " Are you fucking serios"  he smirked and walked over to me and put quirk canceling bracelet and  uncuffed my both wrists.

"We are in a hospital, and I need to do some analysis and other things" tingles ran down my spine "what kind of other tings you mean?" I stud up from bed and looked at him " like x-ray see if you have broken bons don't worry. Come with me " Hawks said and I folloved him to diffrent room with wery much instruments scalpels, nedels and tings that I don't even know what they fucking are.

Hawks turned arond " don't worry I will not juse all of them on you just some of them and I don't fucking know why it all is hear"  He give me some black T-shirt and grey  baggy pants "go and change in that room and fill this one" He pointed at door and gave the analysis vessel. I walked to that room.

When I was fineshed I walked out and give him the vessel " pull of your pants and bend over this tabel" I froze on place " WHAT why would I do that?"

"I need to see that you are not hiding anything ther. Now bend over" he pulls his gloves on "NO I will not do that" I heard a sigh from him and then his damn fucking fethers pined me on table he pulled my pants of and boksers to "It would be esier for you if you would listen and now relaxs" I felt wet gloved fingers rubing my entrance and other hand rubing my back " relaxs or it will hurt" Hawks said " I can't when I m pined to fucking tabel" he sumaned his feathers back to his wing.

He push his fingers all the way in and I fell that he is looking for some thing and then puls out " okay you are klean it wasn't that bad" I pulled my pants back up "go and sit in the chair" I walked over to chair and sat down he took some thing and walked over to me " open up" I opened my mouth and he started to look for some thing then my eyes and my scars.

"I will take blood fro- " I was gone when I saw that nedel bay I hate needels I can't stand them I ran to the door but again thos damn feather didn't alove me he puled me back " I will not use your  blood to found out your identity" he sat me in the chair again " no, no ,no I hate needels" I said strugeling against his feathers "Don't look then" I felt panick I started breathing much faster and he saw it  he put away the needel " Hey, hey, hey  breath in and out" he took my hand and  put it on his chest so that I could adjust my breathing to his " breth with me "

When I clamed down he put all needels avay and whent to x-ray and the last procedur  Ultra-sonografia " Why do I need that?" I layd down on bed and pulled up my T-shirt up "I don't know it is writen in here. This will be cold" he  put some kind of gel on me and then ran the device on my stomach " pull your pant's dovn little bit" I did that. "Looks like evrything is f- okay this is intresting"

"What"  if I will have to have some kind of operation I m killing myself "you have a uterus are you trans?"  I don't know I don't remember " I- I don't know".

I wiped clean my stomach and then we went to UA.

1213 words

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