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Non pov

Hawks saw Dabi coming from up satairs " how are you" Hawks asked trying to not sound worried or sad that much, but he is glad that Dabi got sick he has not to go to UA dorms and stay there.

" Little bit beter" Dabi said. Joined them. "Sako do you know how often Dabi was sick?" Hawks asks knowing that Dabi has low immunity becouse of his scars. Hawks felt some one leaning on his side, he knows who it is. And soon Dabi fell asleap

"Almost evry monthe excet summer winter is the worst, once I thought he wouldn't survive. Is it because of the scars" Sako is worried about his friend, but he knows that Dabi is in good hands. Hawks noded and sighed. " the scars are infected badly and he can't eat propely, because-"

"Hmm" Dabi woke up and inturupted Hawks. Dabi looked around the room when he spoted Compress " why are you hear" Dabi asks Compress.
"Sako is in program villain rehabilitacion like you" Ryuko explained to Dabi. They  chatted for a while  then Sako and Ryuko had to go home.

Sako had helped heros to find the lab and arest Ujiko, but  lov base was emty and Sigaraki,Toga and Twice are some were planing to get revenge. Spiner is in Tartarus, when Sako released Spiner he ataked one of the heroes injuring him badly. Sako is going to UA rehab. He is living with Ryuko but still Hawks is Dabis and Sako doctor. Sako will live in UA dorms, on holidays he will be with Ryuko.

Dabi is starting to eat more and he is fealing much beter, but still Hawks will not let him this week to UA he wan't to make sure he is okay. It's been tree days Dabi is staying at home. Dabi and Hawks are eating dinner and Dabi is eating some thing diffrent mashed potatoes with sauce " how is it?" Hawks asks making sure he will be okay " I fell fine. I hope I don't get sick and puke it all out because it is delicious" Dabi said. Hawks blused little bit.

Hawks like to cok but he alvays order or cok some thing simple because he was alvays alone and he didn't think he will fall in love again. Toya Todoroki was his first friend.
They always met in the same place in the park under the old willow tree where no one went. There he confessed in love and there was their first and last kiss. Next day Hawks was waiting for Toya but he never shows up and so he waited for him there all week but he never shows up.  When he heard that Toya was dead, his love of life was dead.
He was broken.
Now he has found some one else who will mend his broken heart. Hawk swore that he would do everything in his power to help and protect him.


Week passed fast Dabi can eat almost evrything but not very much.
"You got evrything you need?" Hawks steped in the room taking the bags to his car " I tink so" "then let's go.....if you need some thing just call me" Hawks said giving him the phone "a-are you sure" Dabi didn't mean to stutter, he cursed him self about that " I m sure, I talked abou it with Aizawa and Nezu and they agreed"

"Thanks" Dabi took the phone.
When they arivet at UA dorms Aizawa was alredy waiting for them.
Dabi settled down. Hawks stayed with him till he got to go back home.
And Dabi was left alone.


Dabi pov

"Hey Dabi I see you fell beter" I look from my book at Deku " It just was a fever"  The bell rang and Mr Aizawa walks in the class. Evry one sat in there places.

"Today you are going to train your special moves with Ectoplasm. Now get your uniforms and get changed" evryone left except me and Sako. " it's not inportant for you two for now, but Pr Nezu said that I give this to you" Mr Aizava gave me and Sako a page with a task and a place to write. " when you are finished put it on my table and you can go to dorms".

In room is tree people one of them is the killer who is it?. The murder vepon is a dager with poison. The first suspect is middle aged woman she is saying that she didn't see noting. The sekond suspect is a young man he said , he didn't see noting and the last person said that ther is one more person in the building ....who is the killer?....... A robery

I finished reading " It was so easy" Sako said and put his page on Mr Aizawas tabel " I will see you in dorms Dabi" Sako said and left me alone.


The last person and a thief.  The thief pretends to be dead and the last person pretends that ther was a fourth person in the room to get police think that he is innocent.

I put the page on the table and walked out the class room. " class 1 A ugliest persons titel goes to Dabiiiii" I didn't have to turn around to know who it was " monoma what do you want from him?" said voice. It was Todoroki and Momo " You are weak, patetik Hahahahahaha" I ignored him walking passt Todoroki and Momo.

'Weak,patetik ......... You are too weak to be a hero ........." " I m sorry Dad I m trying"  I layed on the grond covered in bruses,burn marks and blood "D-dad p-pleas s-stop h-hi-hiting m-me"
"Toya" a woman with snow white hair..........
"Stop he is your son" "I don't have a son"

I woke up in hospital bed and Hawks was there to.

Todoroki pov

Mr Aizava asked me and Momo to go and see if Dabi and Sako have completed the task. At the entrance we met Sako, he said he is waiting for Dabi.
We walked to our klass and ther Monoma was making fun of Dabi "monoma what do you want from him?" Dabi looked at us " You are weak, patetik Hahahahahaha" Dabi ignored him and walked past us we soon folowed him out side were he colapsed and hit his head against the edge of the stairs.

"We need to get him to Recovery girl's office" Sako picked him up and foloved us to Recovery girl's office.
"Midoria if it is you.....what happend?"she  saw us and pointed at the bed we explained what happend and called Hawks to come over when he is free.
Recovery girl heald his head, and soon Hawks was hear too we explained.

Dabi woke up "what  happend" again we explained. Dabi startedto cry? Why?
" Dabi did you remember some thing?"
Dabi noded and told us what he remembered. "A-and my name is T-Toya" it can't be, I sat in the bed "what does your father look like?" I felt evry one looking at me,but I need the ansver I need to know " tall....fire quirk, red hair..." I hugged him I cryed in his sholder, I know he is confused, he does not remember me, but I don't care, only one thing I care about is that he is alive.

1231 words

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