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Hawks pov

"How is Da-I mean Toya" sigh
"How to say.....we need to show him that he is not a failure" Aizava had calld me to UA. He showed me the task he had given and other tests like mathe, english. And all tests were 100%. Aizava said ' the kid is a genius'.

"And what will happen to that kid?" will he be expelled from school " house arrest but in dormitories and will be doing daily chores hear. And he has to apologise to Toya about what he has done" when I wanted to answer Toyas room door opened "Hawks we need you" Todoroki said.

I walked in and saw that Toya is holding some thing against his cheek "one of my staplers fell out" Toya removes his hand from hid cheek and blood begins to flow from the left hole. I put a plaster on the wound " at best the wound will not become infected but at worst it will"

I stayed ther till it was time to go to sleap " it's 10 now you need to rest" Sako and Todoroki went to ther rooms alredy.
"Can you stay till I fell asleap?" Toya stared at floor thinking it was dumb question. "Okay" He looked at me suprised " really" I humed in respond he layed in bed and I besides him "Good night" "Night" Soon Toya fell asleap.

How much I didn't wanna leave him I still have night shift.


Non pov

Next day in school evryone asked Toya how he is "jeezz give him some spaces" Ida yelled thankfully evryone listened and fell silent. Toya didn't lift his head from his hands "thanks Ida" Ida is in shock what he heard "y-you're welcome.
Now evryone in you're seets lesson will start soon". Todoroki and Sako was explaining to Pr. Nezu what yesterday happened.
Bouth Todoroki and Sako walked in the class room.


Now it's lunch time. Sako and Todoroki is trying to get Toya to go to lunch "Toya you need to eat" Todoroki said to his older brother. "I.don't.wanna.go" Toya argued back "why? because of people?" Toya didn't say anything he put his head on the tabel looking out the window.

"Toya did you hear what I said?" Toya looked at his brother. Sig "I give up" Todoroki said and walked away. Sako looked at Toya with disappointment in his eyes and followed Todoroki to cafeteria. Toya was left alone with his thoughts.

Toyas pov

Who is Keigo? Do I know him? Were is he? Is Hawks Keigo? I can't remember. How hard I m trying to remember but I can't remember anything at all. Maby Hawks is Keigo maby thats why he asked me that one time who is Keigo. He tried to pretend that he does not know right.

I had thought about it that long that evryone are back in the class and listening to what Mrs. Midnight is saying.


When lessons ended me,Sako and Shoto walked to dorms.
Why did I get +C in english why I perfectly know that language. Some thing hard and soft hit me in the face and I fell to the grownd. I opened my eyes first ting I saw was red wing then head poped in front of me it was Sho " you spaced out again"

I rolled my eyes and sat up. And saw Hawks shit this is bad. I fell to grownd again. I didn't like that Hawks was hear " Toya get up we are going some were" I looked at him. He means to talk somewhere where he can shout at me and no one will hear him.

"He is doing that again" "what I m doing again?" Sako started laughing " like what you said he is troubles" I looked at them confused till Hawks picked me up.
And in the blink of an eye we are up in the sky.

I hide my face in his jaked. He flew so fast. Soon he landed in front of old bar. My eyes widened I started to trash in his hand I activated my quirk but I was hit in the head and I passed out.

Aizawa pov

I was sitting in the teachers room with my coffee "Yesterday Hawk had come to say that Toyas would not be at school because he want to treat Toya's scars on his face-" knoking interupted me. Door opned, in the room walked Hawks. Did some thing to Toya

"Hey Aizawa I wanted to ask were is Toya I can't find him?" Hawks said. I looked at him confused and other theachers to " You yesterday took Toya, to treat his scars on his face"

Hawks went pale "what? Yesterday I wan't here I was patroling all day, I had no time" Hawks said. You could see panic in his eyes
"What do you mean?" Midnight said. "That means Toya is in big danger"


All teachers, Detetiv Tsukauchi, Ryuku and Hawks " as far as we know the League of vilans has captured Toya Todoroki"

"And.....he's just a villain, why you make such a fuss about it" said Valad.  "Just a villan,  just a villan do you hear what are you saying. He is not guilty of anything, he is just a child who went down the wrong path. We are heroes and we must help everyone, whether it is our worst enemy or a little kitten.
I lost him onece and I don't want loes him again. Now he is hoping for us to help him" Hawks said. He walked out the meating room.

Evryone sat looking at the door were Hawks went out. Hawks loiked sceard and stress about it when he said that like he will be in big trouble if we don't find Toya. You could see in his eyes tears. This is something biger what I thought.

Tsukauchi broke the silence "something  definitely is wrong" Tsukauchi said pointing with his eyes at claw marks on the tabel.

"Sleepless nights again" I muttered to myself.

1006 words

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