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3 years later

Non pov

"K-Keigo I m close" Toya moned "Me too"
You could hear panting and skin slaping noises coming from room " K-Keigo ah do you thing this time ah ah ah " Toya wined. Keigo started to thrus faster casing his own releast "I hope you will be pregnant this time Fuck Toya"

"Keigo yes yes yes" they came yelling each other names "don't pull out" Toya said. They cudled and fell a sleap.
They have tried to get a baby for loong time.

Toga was sent to rehab with Toya and Sako were Toga got help to control hers blood thirst and now she is a great hero with Sako. Keigo is now the Nr 1 pro hero and Toya is a grath dectektive.

Fev months later Toya and Keigo got married and soon afther that Ruyuku and Sako too and Toga is still looking for her true love.

5 month later

"Sako stop crying like a baby" Ryuku said. Sako is standing at hers bed and houlding ther dother Satomi who has brovn hair and yellow eyes " I didn't thing I would get married and be a father I didn't think I would have so great friends and wife I m so happy. Thanks for evrything" Sako said. "Group hug" Toga said.

Toya's stomach pressed against sako's side " Toya is that what I think it is" Sako said. Evryone let go of the hug and stared at Keigo and Toya. Toya lifted hers big huddy and evryone gasp "Toya why didn't you say any thing" Toga jumped up and down " suprise" Toya said. Evryone in the room laughed " in which month you are?" "in fifth month"
"Why didn't say any thing to us"Ryuku asks.  " I just wanted for all of us to be hear....my mom, Fuyumi, Nat and Shoto alredy knows" Toga ran to toch Toyas belly.

4 month later

"OMG you have twins" Toga said. Toya is houlding a boy he has snow white hair and golden eyes and Keigo is houlding a girl she has snow white hair and blue eyes and bouth has white wings " the girls name is Angel and the boys name is  Hato" 

"Hello I m fluff you know me as innocent cat but in reality Toya was right I m a witch. This is how Toya and Keigo found each other and now are free. Now I need to go till next time bye"

The end

413 word

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